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Julie Dell Phillips was born on the high plains of West Texas, grew up in the Ozarks in a preacher's home, and returned to Texas soon as she could. Julie is a true Southern girl and can shoot a gun. Julie has always enjoyed performing for an audience. Her whole family is musically talented, and so ever since Julie could remember, she sang at church and performed in plays and music productions. At age 7 she won a whopping $20 in a singing competition at the county fair - plus free tickets to all the rides! Julie's passion to perform intensified. Throughout high school and college she studied voice and French Horn, and starred in numerous musicals, plays, recitals, and competitions. Then came love, marriage, and 3 wonderful children. While raising her kids, Julie began studying film and TV acting in Austin, Texas, and she sought out roles throughout the South. Julie auditioned at every opportunity, no matter the size or the pay, or the lack of either. The more she grew as an actor and tasted success, she became laser-focused on her acting career. Julie moved to Los Angeles and now studies with Gregory Berger-Sobeck and his outstanding faculty at The Berg Studios. Julie most enjoys portraying complex characters who, though flawed, demonstrate depth, strength, and vulnerability. The lead roles of Claire Danes in Homeland and Julianna Marguiles in The Good Wife are among her favorites.