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Joe Edward Metcalfe was originally born in Western Massachusetts. He is an actor and performer based out of Chicago, IL. Metcalfe is of Irish/Portuguese descent. Metcalfe is a graduate of the Northern Illinois University Master of Fine Arts program where he studied the Meisner Technique under the pristine guidance and teachings of Patrica Skarbinski. Metcalfe started acting in high school plays but it wasn't until he started his undergraduate career at Salem State University that things started to fall into place. He was awarded the Actors Theatre of Louisville scholarship at the Kennedy Center in D.C. which took him down to Kentucky and later New York City. After New York City, he knew his journey to a deeper, more grounded, and meaningful process was among him. He spent 3 years at Northern Illinois University's MFA Meisner Conservatory that changed his life and prospective forever. Metcalfe stands firmly near the belief "The truth of ourselves is the root of our acting," (S. Meisner) as a way into character and a more real/deep routed connection/experience.