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King Wesley was born in Yonkers, NY. However at the very young age of 4, his mother moved King & his two older siblings to Detroit, MI. King fell in love with acting in 2009 after booking his first acting gig for a stage play that actually ended up on 6 city tour. King instantly began studying & thriving more in his craft which pushed him to transitioning from stage to Film & Television in 2014. Always looking for more knowledge & taking the "forever a student" mindset. King took more advanced acting & improv courses at the Actors Loft in Royal Oak, Michigan & more recently several master acting classes online. However landing the big roles aren't the only thing King has been focused on. King has produced some of his most recent films. The thought of giving the upcoming talents a shot on the screen is just as rewarding to King. Growing up in the rough city streets of Detroit, King sees himself as a true diamond in the rough. His charisma & ability to control the room makes him a pleasure for casting directors. You can definitely expect more about King Wesley in the very near future.