Marlom Meirelles_peliplat

Marlom Meirelles

Diretor/a | Criação
Data de nascimento : Sem dados
Lugar de nascimento : Sem dados

Marlom Meirelles was born in Bezerros, a small town in the countryside of Pernambuco, Brazil. He studied cinema at Maurício de Nassau College in Recife, where he directed his first films, several of which received awards. During his studies, Meirelles did research on the relationship between movies and new types of technology. At the age of 21 he founded the production company Eixo Audiovisual. His short film "A Emparedada da Rua Nova" (The Bricked Girl) was presented in Cannes at the Short Film Corner and many other film festivals around the world. In 2012 Meirelles won a script competition with a project entitled "Entre Mulheres" (Among Women), a documentary dealing with women's rights and gender. His most recent project is the film "Olhos de Botão" (Button Eyes, 2015), a fictional suspense/thriller film that takes place in the seemingly serene Brazilian countryside.

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