Robert Bukoski_peliplat

Robert Bukoski

Data de nascimento : Sem dados
Lugar de nascimento : Sem dados

Robert Craig Bukoski was born March 2, 1964 in Detroit Michigan. Raised in the small rural town of Ubly, in Michigan's "thumb" region, where his family has lived for five generations. Attended Purdue University before moving to Chicago to study film and acting at Columbia College. An avid tinkerer and builder he has constructed many props from film and television. In the early 1990's his passion for the cult hit TV series Mystery Science Theater 3000 lead him to build the robotic stars of the show Crow, Tom Servo and Gypsy. Since then, he has amassed the largest and most complete collection of the original parts used to build the MST3K Bots. His impressive MST3K replicas came to the attention of the shows creator and star Joel Hodgson who asked Robert to use his extensive collection and in-depth knowledge of the robots to create updated versions used for the revival of the show in 2016. In his free time he continues making props, restoring antiques and building MST3K robots with his girlfriend Jessica and their dog Rusty.

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