Isla Salmen_peliplat

Isla Salmen

Data de nascimento : Sem dados
Lugar de nascimento : Sem dados

Isa Salmen, actress, 29 years old, exclusive actress at Quattro Agentes, Ciça and Nissia Garcia. Graduated from Lee Strasberg and Stella Adler in New York, where she recorded some American series; Specialist in Film Making at the NY Film Academy, she worked and studied in Spain with Juan Carlos Corazza. In addition, she holds a Bachelor's Degree in Performing Arts from the CAL University of Rio de Janeiro, and studied in Italy at the Accademia Nazionale di Roma, where she also recorded some films. In Brazil, she recorded the soap operas O Rico e Lázaro and Os Dez Mandamentos on Record, Malhação Vidas Brasileiras and Viva a Diferença at Rede Globo. The last soap operas she recorded were Amor sem Igual on Record as the call girl character Krystal, and recently the soap opera Genesis. Isa also recorded a short film in France in 2018. In January 2019, she recorded as Maria Madalena the national feature Hermanoteu na Terra de Godah, with the cia The Best of the World, directed by Homero Olivetto, and more recently Duetto, an Italian feature-Brazilian with Marieta Severo, Michelle Morone, Giancarlo Gianini, Luisa Arraes, Gabriel Leone, script Rita Buzzar and direction Vicente Amorim. Speaks English, Spanish, French and Italian fluently; and she speaks the basic of Arabic. Sings, and dances ballet and jazz and the dance of the 7 veils."

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