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Steve Ross is President of the United State Tang Soo Do Association and is Owner and Chief Instructor of Orange County Academy of Martial Arts.. Recently inducted into the United States Martial Arts Hall of Fame and is the highest-ranking Certified Master Martial Arts Instructor in the art of Tang Soo Do (a.k.a. Soo Bahk Do) in Orange County, CA. He has spent most of his life in association with martial arts and self-defense. He began his studies in 1971 at the age of 11. Prior to his dedication to the ancient Korean art of Tang Soo Do, he studied Tae Kwon Do, Jiu Jit Su, Goju-Ryu, Judo, Aikido and Hand-to-Hand Combat. He has won numerous national, regional and state martial arts awards in both fighting and in forms. Included in these accomplishments is his 1st place title from the 1986 World Marital Arts Championships held in London, England. He is recognized around the world for his academic knowledge and technical skills and abilities in the art of Tang Soo Do. He has served as the bodyguard for various celebrities, taught members of Royal families, CEO's and instructed Hand-to-Hand Combat techniques to military personnel. He has worked in motion pictures with actors such as Jean-Claude Van Damme, Louise Gossett Jr. and Peter Coyote. Today he works with Hollywood celebrities in fight choreography and personal defense.