Rosario Tijeras
It's Okay!
Platform 7
La idea de ti
Culpa tuya
Young Hearts
Moana 2
Mufasa: El rey león
El amor menos pensado
Reparto (por orden de créditos)
Ronnie Adkins
Self - Host
Rudy Reyes
Martin K.A. Morgan
Ward Carroll
Self - US Navy Commander (Ret.)
Joseph Assad
Self - CIA Operations Officer (Ret.)
Preston Stewart
Anand Toprani
Self - Historian of Military Strategy
Kenneth R. Sewell
Mark Sauter
Military Journalist
Joe Pappalardo
Popular Mechanics
M.J. Banias
Editor: TheDebrief
L. David Marquet
Self - US Navy Submarine Commander (Ret.)
Sarah Kreps
National Security Analyst
Mike Guardia
Amy Shira Teitel
Peter Zeihan
Sayuri Gutherie Shimizu
Self - Historian
Nicholas Irving
Tim McMillan
Self - Investigative Reporter
Frederick H. Black Jr.
Military Historian
Chris Capelluto
Military Analyst
Alex Wellerstein
Self - Historian of Science
Kevin Key
Self - Green Beret (Ret.)
John Wayne Troxell
Self - US Army Combat Veteran, SEAC (Ret.)
Cindy Laquidara
Self - Speicher Family Spokesperson
Deborah Saloom
Self - Passenger of Flight 149
George Saloom
Stephen Davis
Self - Author, Flight 149
Menachem Kaiser
Self - Author, Plunder: Family Property and Nazi Treasure
Henry Ayer
Self - Paul Meyer's Stepson