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Steven Rinella and Chef Kevin Gillespie Fry Up Some Mountain Goat
Fecha de estreno: 2021-10-08
Dueling Ducks with Chefs Kevin Gillespie and Jean-Paul Bourgeois
Fecha de estreno: 2022-01-25
Quick and Easy Elk Stir Fry with Steven Rinella and Chef Kevin Gillespie
Fecha de estreno: 2022-02-08
Hunting and Cooking Montana Pheasants with Ryan Callaghan and Chef Kevin Gillespie
Fecha de estreno: 2022-04-26
Cooking Up a Trophy Bighorn Sheep with Janis Putelis and Chef Kevin Gillespie
Fecha de estreno: 2022-06-14
Snow Goose Fit for King
Fecha de estreno: 2022-08-30
Cooking Octopus with Kimi
Fecha de estreno: 2022-11-10
Foraged and Found with Danielle Prewett
Fecha de estreno: 2022-12-13
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