Del crepúsculo al amanecer
Beauty in Black
Mufasa: El rey león
Female teacher closing the door
Nuevamente amor
Vientre de Alquiler
El amor menos pensado
Moana 2
Rosario Tijeras
Petr Vachler
Reparto (por orden de créditos)
Emery Smith
Richard Dolan
Self - UFO Researcher & Author
Michael Salla
J.J. Hurtak
Self - The Academy for Future Science
Desiree Hurtak
Stephen Bassett
Self - Paradigm Research Group
Michael Schratt
Self - Military Aerospace Historian
Merrill Cook
Self - Former Congressman
Michael P. Masters
Self - Biological Anthropologist
George Knapp
Self - Investigative Reporter
Nick Pope
Self - UFO Expert
Alejandro Rojas
Self - UFO and Paranormal Researcher
Kathleen Marden
Self - UFO Abduction Researcher
Mary Rodwell
Self - Founder of the Australian Close Encounter Resources
James Fox
Self - UFO Investigator & Filmmaker
Paul Stonehill
Self - Author
Paul Hynek
Self - Son of J. Allen Hynek
Valery Uvarov
Caroline Cory
Travis Walton
Self - UFO Abductee
Cestmir Tesarik
Self - Czechoslovak Army Helicopter Captain
Ivan Pospichal
Self - Czechoslovak Army Helicopter Flying Officer
Marc D'Antonio
Self - Chief Image Analyst MUFON
Terry Lovelace
Rey Hernandez
Self - UFO Researcher
Laura Magdelene Eisenhower
Self - Great Granddaughter of Dwight D. Eisenhower
Chris O'Brien
Self - UFO Investigator
Derrel W. Sims
Self - Alien Hunter
Robert Polo
Self - Narrator
Robert Fleischer
Self - Journalist
Yvonne Smith