Vincent Hérisse
Isabelle Ros
Eric Erastotene
Guillaume Blanc
Reparto (por orden de créditos)
Patricia Cailleux
Baudrucheuse, Machinist
Michel Fraisset
Director, Tourism Office of Aix-en-Provence
Olivier Polge
Nose of Chanel Perfumes
Jean-François Vieille
Head of Chanel Factory
Emilie Morel
Baudrucheuse, Casing
Elisabeth de Feydeau
Jean Goujon
Director of Production, Chanel Manufacturing Plant
Eric Tassone
Forestry Technician, Sainte-Marguerite
Christophe Roustan Delatour
Deputy Director, Museums of Cannes
Myléne Margail
Guide, Lecturer
Yves Dutour
Manager, Natural History Museum of Aix-en-Provence
Georges Flayols
Yvan Gastaut
Historian, Senior Lecturer, University of Nice
Joseph Mul
Owner, Pégomas Farm
Fabrice Bianchi
Pégomas Farm
Thomas Pré de Saint Maur
Director, Chanel's Creative Resources
Xavier Nicolle
Manager, Nature Wardens of Sainte-Victoire
Sylvie Cadier
Custodian of the Huguenot Memorial
Angélique Molin
Georges Herrera
Descendant of Greek Salt Workers
Raphaël Liogier
Georges Mathianakis
Twinning Committee, Arles-Salins-Kalymnos
David Djaoui
Self - Archaeologist
Cyril Boyer-Joly
Bernard Cousin
Historian, University of Aix-Marseille Laboratory Telemme
Raphaël Benasson
National Agency for Hunting and Wildlife
Gael Hemery
Project Manager, Regional Park of Camargue
Michel Grenet
Prehistorian, French National Centre for Scientific Research
Andre Ipsilanti
Salt Farmer, Descendent of Greek Salt Worker
Guillaume Porraz
Sabrina Marlier
Emma Fournier
Anne Poniatowski
Owner, Mas de la Dame
Claire Gaillard
Emmanuelle Chalier
Tour Guide
Rita Ricci
Augustin Gempp
Parish of Carcés, France (83)
Bernard Pasqualini
Arnaud Marchand
Seasonal Salt Worker
Sébastien Denizeau
Sister Cécile-Amata
Order of the Poor Clares
Luc Vernhes
Salt Farmer
Jean Courtin
Honorary Director, French National Centre for Scientific Research
Sister Françoise
Pierre Peyret
Naturalist Guide
Jean-Benoit Hugues
Olive Producer
Aurélien Bertholot
Zoo Director
Henry de Lumley
Director, Human Paleontology Institute
Luc Long
Self - Chief Heritage Curator
Alexandre Zammout
Antonin Tomasso
Prehistorian, University of Nice
Aimé Montagard