It's Okay!
Beauty in Black
La idea de ti
Platform 7
Rosario Tijeras
Culpa tuya
Mufasa: El rey león
Young Hearts
Ron Meyer
Reparto (por orden de créditos)
Eric Hickey
Self - Criminal Psycologist, Walden University
Katherine Ramsland
Self - Author, 'The Mind of a Murderer'
Jack Levin
Self - Criminologist, Professor Emeritus, Northeastern University, Boston
Dirk Duran-Gibson
Self - Author, 'Clues from Killers'
Tom Kimball
Self - Narrator
Kirk Gill
Self - True Crime Writer
Steven A. Egger
Self - Criminologist, University of Houston, Clear Lake
Frederic Reamer
Self - Professor, Rhode Island College
Steve Daniels
Self - Criminologist
Steven Ainsworth
Self - Detective, Boulder County Sheriff's Office
Rick Beyer
Self - Author, 'The Greatest Stories Never Told'
Troy Taylor
Self - Author, 'Murdered in Their Beds'
Robert Keller
Self - Author, 'The Deadly Dozen: America's 12 Worst Serial Killers'
Mark Reeder
Albert Fish
Timothy Waggener