Romain Icard
Reparto (por orden de créditos)
Mohamed Bajrafil
Self - Imam in Ivry-sur-Seine
Yacine Hilmi
Self - Director of the Institute 'Hozes'
David Vallat
Self - Former Jihadist
Hayette Hamidi
Self - Lawyer
Hafsa Loumassine
Self - resident of Sevran
Ghaleb Bencheikh
Self - President of Fondation de l'islam de France (FIF)
Moussa Khedimellah
Self - Sociologist
Hakim El Karoui
Self - Association Musulmane Pour l'Islam de France
Abdennour Bidar
Self - Philosopher
Yassine Belattar
Self - Stand Up Comedian
Didier Leschi
Self - President of the European Institute of Religious Studies
Taoufik Barboucha
Self - Founder of the Pupils Aid Association 'Renovo'
Philippe Gaudin
Self - Philosopher, Research Group 'Sociétés, Religions, Laïcité' of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
Bernard Godard
Self - Former Member of the Secret Service
Marcel Gauchet
Faïza Sellam
Self - Association 'Acora' for the Help for Female Immigrants
Eva Janadin
Self - Co-founder of the association 'Voix d'un Islam éclairé'
Houssame Bentabet
Self - Sociologist, Expert on Islam
Olivier Galland
Self - Sociologist, Research Director at the CNRS (Centre National de Recherches Scientifiques)
Dalil Boubakeur
Self - Director of the Grand Paris Mosque