Rosario Tijeras
El juego del calamar
Un amor inesperado
Solo Leveling
Solo Leveling: Segundo despertar
La idea de ti
La Casa de los Famosos Colombia
Nuevamente amor
Teen Wolf
Aullidos de terror
Reparto (por orden de créditos)
Mina Anwar
Captain Rules
Anthony Cozens
Det. Bernard Conditions
Tom Michael Blyth
Det. Alphonso Terms
Ellie Jackson
Suzy Fandango
Ian Porter
Richard 'Sweet' Mud
Corrinne Wicks
Felicia Mud
Tom Butcher
Dr. Eric Mcavitycatsterson
Jessica Howell
Sally Terror
Ellis Jones
The Reverend Mischief
Emily Stride
Dana Dubois
Simon Naylor
Jimmy The Snitch
James Laver
Charlie Perambulator
Steven Rathman
Desmond Obvious
C.M.J. Taylor
Chester Cough
Jason Eddy
Tiny Thompson
Nick Pearse
Alvin-Lee Cressley
Kashelle Taylor
Christie McMisty
David Mildon
Terry Toweling
Rebecca Hands-Wicks
Veronica Hoodlum
Andre Skeete
Ed 'Binky' Binkerson
Joel Gellard
Regular Joe
Ash Unitt
Evil Terms
Drew Mills
Jimmy The Mutt
Victoria Denard
Officer Crapky
James Burton
Sally Canary
Avril Poole
Crazy Mud Supporter
Daniel Brennan
The Ambassador
Abi Harris
Maybelle Morningstar
Keif Gwinn
Pedro Imp
Michael Bendib
Dr. Alan Whittaker
Marta Malloci
Bella Carmella
Sarah Lawrie
Nancy Biscuit
The Orange Menace
Hannah King
Evil Conditions
Christina Halvorsen
Matilda Adam
Bret Jones
Sheriff Cecil B Deville