La idea de ti
Un amor inseparable
It's Okay!
Platform 7
Rosario Tijeras
Culpa Mia
Blanca Nieves
Reparto (por orden de créditos)
Karyn Parsons
Self - Host
Laila Ali
Robin Wilson
Ronnie Tyler
Self - BlackAndMarriedWithKids.com
Suzanne Rust
Self - Writer and Lifestyle Expert
Nichelle Pace
Self - StyleMOM
Shanon Morris
Marcella Runell Hall
Lamar Tyler
Sakina Spruell
Latham Thomas
Self - tendershootswellness.com
Patrice Yursik
Self - Afrobella.com
Tonya Lewis Lee
Self - Founder, HealthyYouNow.com
Melissa Beck
Rene Syler
Self - GoodEnoughMother.com
Jodie Patterson
Self - Founder, Georgia by Jodie Patterson
Nicole Friday
Madeline Nelson
Self - Senior VP of A&R, Sony
Monique Jackson
Self - TEAM Image
Holly Robinson Peete
Kym Whitley
Saquan Jones
Self - Father
Amber Noble Garland
Taiia Smart Young
Self - Executive Editor, Juicy
Karen sanchez
Aniyah Younger
Lawrence Charles
Iris L. Johnson
Geoff Ratliff
Bilen Berhanu
Chrisandra Wells
Lisette Lugo
Self - Founder, Every Woman Wellness
Mark McLean
Self - Chef, Remarkable Cuisine
Latoya Jackson
Self - Program Director, YMCA