Un amor inseparable
Diomedes: el ídolo, el misterio y la tragedia
Shi Jie Wei Cheng Li
Culpa Mia
Valle Salvaje
El amor menos pensado
Nuevamente amor
Reparto (por orden de créditos)
Jay Schadler
Tom Jarriel
Self (Reporter)
Bonnie Peairs
Self (wife of Rodney)
Richard Slotkin
Self (Author of 'Gunfighter Nation')
Arthur Miller
Self (Harvard Law School)
Ryan Peairs
Self (Son of Rodney and Bonnie)
Holly Haymaker
Rodney Peairs
Louis Unglesby
Self (Rodney Peairs' Attorney)
Dick Haymaker
Gary Kleck
Self (Criminologist University of Florida)
Mieko Hattori
Self (Yoshi's Mother)
Webb Haymaker