Beauty in Black
La Casa de los Famosos Colombia
La idea de ti
Solo Leveling
El juego del calamar
Rosario Tijeras
Patricia, Return of the Dream
Solo Leveling: Segundo despertar
Aullidos de terror
Nick Gray
Irene Cockroft
Derek Goodall
John Willis
Peter A. Gordon
Peter Kosminsky
Ian McFarlane
Barry Cockcroft
Derek Jones
Marilyn Gaunt
Anne Webber
David Wright
Paddy Russell
Mike Cocker
Nick Salmon
Claire Lasko
Ian Stuttard
Graeme Pollard
Charles Flynn
Francis Gerard
Chris Bryer
Peter Moore
Kevin Sim
Sally Whittman
Tim Moores
Graham Wetherell
Carl Hersh
Loretta Smith
Manus van der Kamp
Peter Carr
Nick Gilbey
John Nelson-Burton
Tony Scull
Mick Csáky
Ron Abercrombie
Richard Handford
John Jeremy
Richard Broad
Mark Galloway
Paul Berriff
Clive Gordon
Mark Halliley
Mike Shrimpton
Jill Turton
James Cutler
Shaun Gilmartin
Nick Lord
Jill Nicholls
Max Stahl
Tim Tate
Chris Ryder
David Wiggins
Reparto (por orden de créditos)
Olivia O'Leary
Self - Presenter
Jonathan Dimbleby
Jane Walmsley
Self - Narrator
Paul Dunstan
Roger Finnigan
Geoff Druett
Joseph Giarratano
Self - Death Row Inmate
Marie Deans
Self - Virginia Coalition on Jails & Prisons
Philip Tibenham
Miriam Stoppard
Self - Reporter
Jack Ashley
John Urquhart
Self - Statistician
Joe Hendron
Derick Peterson
Earl Clanton
Celia Wight
Self - Transplant Co-ordinator
Robin Lustig
Roman Schwaller
Self - Munich Musician (Sax)
Alan Bennett
Len Harding
Mark David Chapman
Otto Weiss
Self - Munich Musician (Piano)
Ruth Pitt
Nick Powell
Stephen Brown
Celia Atherton
Self - Family Rights Group
László Rajk
Jan Legnitto
Branko Pejakovic
Self - Munich Musician (Bass)
Geraldo Rivera
Self - Reporter: Heavy Metal
Mary Fellowes
Self - Women's Aid
Karl-Heinz Böhm
Self - Berlin Musician (Saxes)
Rachel Hodgkin
Self - Children's Legal Centre
Thomas Fassnau
Self - Berlin Musician (Bass)
Michael Clifton
Self - Berlin Musician (Drums)
Alan Plater
Maria von Trapp
Rupert Trapp
Peter Taylor
Self - Political Ecology Research Group
Hugh Tinker
Self - Father
Philip Day
Self - Manchester University
Anne Robertson
Wayne Mickey
Self - Mine Superintendent
Peter Wilkinson
Self - Director, Greenpeace U.K.
Bill McMullen
Self - Warden's Assistant
Stewart Cameron
Self - Guy's Hospital, London
Michael Barrow
Self - Ex Commanding Officer, H.M.S. Glamorgan
Sharky Stevens
Jonathan Tinker
Self - Brother
Franz Wasner
David Tinker
Sue Eskew
Self - Prison Officer
Elizabeth Ward
Self - British Kidney Patient Association
Bobbi Rasnick
Self - Daughter
Christine Tinker
Self - Widow
David Longhurst
Self - Mayor of Lawrence, Kansas
John Fremlin
Self - Radiation Adviser, Cumbria County Council
Ken Buchanan
Harry Lee
Self - St Mary's Hospital, Portsmouth
David Young
Eli Abutbul
Self - 19-year old captive from Acre
Betty Jean Hall
Self - Coal Employment Project
John Terrell
Self - District Medical Officer
John Doran
Self - General Manager, Windscale
Tom Buchanan
Self - Ken's Father
Tyson Dawson
Self - Farmer
Brian East
Self - Scottish Universities Reactor Centre
Peter Mummery
Self - Director, Health & Safety, BNFL
Edward Radford
Self - U.S. Government Radiation Adviser, 1977-1980
Eddie Ramsay
Self - Ken's Employer & Sponsor
Richard Scott
Self - Edinburgh University
Kenneth Copeland
Self - The Video Prophet
Thi Kim Phuc Phan
Vincent Maguire
Alastair Logan
Self - Defence Solictor
Robert K. Brown
Self - Publisher: 'Soldier of Fortune'
Vincent McKinley
Self - Conlon's Parish Priest 1980
Harry Disley
Herbert Sussan
John Biggs-Davison
Self - Conservative
Clifford Beazley
Self - New Life Ministries, Birmingham
Gideon Spiro
Patrick O'Neill
Ibrahim Matar
Self - Land Economist
Hugh de Wardener
Joyce Peabody
Self - Nursery Director
Mark Rees
Self - Copeland Video Minister, Stroud
Chuck Pearlman
Self - Yankee Gun Shop
Joe Hayman
John Wilkinson
Self - USAF Reserve
Russell Findlay
Self - Kangaroo Marketing Committee
Margaret Cornell
Self - Ely Christian Fellowship
Bobby Brown
Self - Mayor of Tqon
Barry Tubbs
Self - Copeland Ministries
Joan Williams
Neil Channan
Self - Staff Nurse
Dan Conroy
Self - Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms
Dion Bell
Self - Tropical Hospital, Liverpool
Barry Cohen
Self - Environment Minister
Steve Cairns
Paolo Filo Della Torre
Kim Freeborn
Brian Caddy
Self - Strathclyde University
Richard Chapman
Wally Curran
Self - Meat Workers Union
John Blanchard
Self - Principal
Elyakim Ha'Etzni
Self - Council of Jewish Settlements
Bill Silverman
Jim Bradley
Ellie Smith
Self - Matron
Geoff Mosley
Self - Australian Conservation Foundation
Archie Southern
Self - Director, Copeland Ministries
Peter Rawlinson
Self - Zoologist
Ron Bryer
Tom Douglas
Arthur Christie
Gerry Fitt
Self - Independent
Patrick Maguire
Roger Lockwood
Self - The New Life Church, Wellingborough
Al Chesson
Self - Sales Manager
Christopher Price
Self - Former Labour M.P.
Peggy Kilgallen
Self - Ward Sister
Sarah Conlon
Kamaluddin Khan
Self - Consultant Psychiatrist
Ali Campbell
George Galloway
Self - War on Want
Robin Campbell
Ian Campbell
David Trefgarne
Self - Minister for Defence Support
Martin Short
Frank Barnaby
David Gunn Campbell
John Hackett
Betty Campbell
Lipman Kessel
John Watson
Self - Conservative, Skipton & Ripon
Maureen Freeman
David Joy
Self - 'Dalesman'
Lorna Campbell
Robert Atlay
Self - Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists
John Evans
Self - Medical Research Council, Edinburgh
Gloria Dempsey
Robert Wheaton
Self - Napier College of Technology, Edinburgh
Isobel Dovey
George Horner
Self - Signalman
Ben Willet
Self - Fireman
Bill Mitchell
Viki Carter
Self - Lawyer
Sana Saidi
Mick Prendergast
Cecil Jackson
Alex Falconer
Self - Shop Steward, Rosyth, 1970-1984
Alice Stewart
Self - Department of Social Medicine, University of Birmingham
Charles Sutcliffe
Self - Berkshire County Council, 1981-1985
Shirley Ratcliffe
Self - Royal Hospital for Children, Edinburgh
Malcolm Sullivan
Self - Police Commander
Susan Smith
Sybil Newman
Tulku Akong Rinpoch
Trevor Brown
Self - Aldermaston, 1961-1978
Malcolm Harper
Self - Director, United Nations Assoc. (U.K.)
Barry Lambert
Self - Lecturer in Radiation Biology, University of London
Cliff Williams
Self - Eyewitness
Albert 'Buck' Kotzebue
Self - TPLF Central Committee
Alexander Olshansky
Bill Robertson
Alexander Silvashko
Tekle Wane
Self - Relief Society of Tigray
Evelyn Glennie
Aurelia Pugh
Self - Canteen Worker, Tilmanstone Pit
Jean Karam
Roy Calne
James Blades
John Ashbourne
Self - Chief Executive, Cambridge Health Authority
Anthony Lester
Brian Foy
Self - Sacked Miner
Charles Watson
Self - Virginia State Prosecutor
Janet Clanton
Ray Lawton
Toni Bair
Self - Warden, Mecklenburg Prison
Lawrence Knight
Self - Branch Secretary, Snowdown N.U.M.
Mo Karam
Pat Clingham
Lionel Naftalin
Robin Hornsley
Self - Miner
Lloyd Snook
Self - Virginia Defence Attorney
Maria Draper
Coleman Gray
Steven Trice
Helen Magee
Alex Mowat
Lyn Brown
Self - Miner's Wife
Ajit Rai
Self - Southall Miners Support Group
Bart Hellyer
Tony Stevenson
Peter Fryer
Self - Communist Journalist
Gelsey Kirkland
Stuart Gilham
Self - Care Assistant
Tony Hall
Self - British Agencies for Adoption and Fostering
Elaine Murphy
Self - Guy's Hospital
Kathleen Robertson
Self - Head Teacher
David Platt
David Foster
Susan Whapshott
Margaret Foster
Odell Tumblin
Self - Superintendent of Education
Alice Rooney
George MacDonald
Self - Volunteer
Greg Lawrence
Felix Rooney
Theresa Thomas
Robena Pallister
Self - Mother
Michael Irvine
John Gibson
Self - National Farmers Union
Bob Hayes
Self - Coalition for the Homeless
Norman Warner
Self - Director, Kent Social Service
Fionnuala O'Connor
Jenny Cane
Ivy Chapman
Heidi Argent
Self - Parents for Children
Diane Kennison
Daphne Futter
Self - Cook
Peter Tacon
Self - Executive Director, Childhope
Richard Westlake
Self - Parent
Harriet Harman
Self - Shadow Health Minister
Marie Osborne
Self - Divis Residents' Association
Malcolm Green
Self - Labour: Chairman, Strathclyde Education Committee
Carl Boswell
Self - H.M. Chief Agricultural Inspector
Margaret McCloskey
Thomas Threadgill
Self - Reverend
Christine Irvine
Iris Smith
Self - Nurse
Julia Landon
David Jacobs
Linda Bennett
Self - Laura's Foster Mother
Ronnie Simpkins
Timothy Pallister
John McGarrick
Self - Former Soldier
Bernard Scott
Self - Resident's Son
Marion Norris
Tony Newton
Self - Minister for Health
Cynthia Reeves
Reg Green
Self - Health & Safety Adviser, T.G.W.U.
Roy Croucher
Barbara Kent
Betty McLenaghan
Sarah Harman
Self - Solicitor
Delia Torres
Cornelius Rooney
Rita Scott
Sean Stitt
Self - Divis Demolition Committee
Christine Mackenzie
Lynne Donaldson
Jo Celeste Pettway
Self - Judge
Sandy Addis
Susan Croucher
Michael Griggs
Debbie Thomas
Gavin de Becker
Park Dietz
Self - National Institute of Justice
Kenneth Clarke
Self - Health Minister 1985
Niklas Frank
David Owen
Self - Health Minister 1975
Laurence Shames
Self - Journalist and Author
Prince Norodom Ranariddh
Self - Commander-in-Chief, Sihanoukian Army
Peter Jones
Self - Haemophilia Centre Director, Newcastle
Adrian Slater
Maria Connolly
George Tarleton
Self - Former Restoration Apostle
Arun Nehru
Self - Opposition MP
Walter De Bock
Self - Arms Trade Writer
Heidi Bischoff-Planz
Self - Berlin MP 1986-1987
Bryn Jones
Self - Apostle, Bradford Church
Janet Haywood
Hilary Pugh
Self - Middlesbrough Family
Bill Parker
Robina Brand
Self - Save the Children
Kenneth Timmerman
Self - Defence Analyst
Ted Rotherham
Self - Ex-member, Yeovil Fellowship
Pauline Huby
Karen Hogan
Self - Winchester Family
Regina Mason
Robert Sweeney
Self - U.S. Lawyer
Ingvar Bratt
Martin Barber
Self - Director, British Refugee Council
Stanley Pearson
Self - Consultant Chest Physician
Jessica Blankenship
Yvonne Bearne
Self - Social Worker
Kenneth Conboy
Self - The Heritage Foundation
Uwe Hollm
Self - Vicar General, West Berlin
Andrew Walker
Self - Sociologist of Religion
Aaron Karp
Self - SIPRI
Geraldine Layne
Malcolm McIllmurray
Self - Consultant Physician, Royal Lancaster Infirmary
Simon Connolly
Peter Maguire
Self - Cancer Research Campaign
John Maclaughlan
Self - Prophet, Yeovil Fellowship
David Gee
Self - Environmental Health Consultant
Tim Banting
Self - Ex-member, Bradford Church
Anthony Sampson
Self - Author: 'The Arms Bazaar'
Harry Chasty
Self - Dyslexia Institute
Andy Pendleton
Self - U.N. Border Relief Operation
Tony Jackson
Self - Oxfam
Peter Waddington
Dot Rotherham
John Reed
Self - Defence Consultant
Paul Connolly
Dave Hogan
John Burton
Self - Swedish Affairs Writer
Simon Taylor
Self - Haemophilia Society
Wilhelm Kewenig
Self - Interior Minister, West Berlin
Peter Reiter
Self - Former Heroin Addict, from Germany
John Kennally
Martin Philips
Self - Headmaster, Old Rectory School
John Battle
Self - Leeds West (Lab)
Kent Stauffer
Self - Director of Litigation, Chase Manhattan Bank
Dave Pugh
Joe Maier
Self - Catholic Priest
Alison Blair
Self - Christian Outreach
Yvonne Terry
Self - British Association of Cancer United Patients
Donald Baird
Doris Fellows
June Banting
Christopher Elias
Self - American Refugee Committee
Jack Powell
Tony Fellows
Arun Shourie
Self - Editor, Indian Express
Barry Castleman
Self - U.S. Environmental Consultant
Dave Tomlinson
Self - Leader, Frontline Church
Arnold Longstaff
Barnabus Mam
Self - Site 2 Refugee
Mark Winter
Self - Haemophilia Centre Director, East Kent
Richard Bloom
Self - Defence Psychiatrist
Verlyn Florence
Self - Shooting Instructor
Cindy Newton
Olivia Newton
Chamroon Parnchand
Self - Abbot
Bob Petersen
Vince Smith
Self - YMCA
Chavalit Yodmani
Self - Narcotics Control Board
Kenneth Hodges
Coco Schumann
Self - Jazz Guitarist
Paddy Ashdown
Self - Leader, Social and Liberal Democrats
Martin Roman
Self - Pianist and Arranger
Chris Randall
Freddie Brocksieper
Self - Jazz Drummer
Fred Holroyd
Self - ex-Army Intelligence
Richard Shepherd
Self - Conservative, Aldridge Brownhills
Keith Penny
Self - Audiotel International
Tom Rathke
Self - Former Missionary
Crear Shearer
Herbert Herrmann
Alistair Darling
Self - Labour Home Affairs Spokesman
Delia Combs
Self - US Asst Commissioner for Refugees
David Calderwood
Self - Vice Chairman, New Tribes Mission
David Burgess
John Higham
Self - Assistant Secretary to Churchill
Wilhelm Kaethler
Self - Filadelfia Hospital
Jerry Douglas
Self - Former New Tribes Missionary
Mel Wyma
Self - Foreign Secretary, New Tribes Mission
Tony Miller
Self - National Union of Teachers
Fred Sammons
Self - Field Director, New Tribes Mission
Vo Thi Lien
Self - Survivor
Mike Zwerin
Self - Musician and Author: 'Swing under the Nazis'
Gary Murray
Self - Former Private Detective
Truong Muoi
Taff Davies
Terry Harrison
Self - Militant Supporter
Jeanette Douglas
Jonathan Davis
Self - Jewish Agency for Israel
John Duthie
Self - Rescuer, 'Daisy II'
Malcolm Rogers
Self - British Refugee Council
David Benn
Self - Lorraine Electronics
Ron Ridenhour
Anne Stringer
Self - Stop Sizewell Campaign
Pham Thi Trinh
Philip White
Self - HMS Royal Oak
Fred Widmer
Robert E. Maples
David Richards
Self - ex-British Telecom Engineer
Lee Tracey
Self - Security Services Consultant
Michael Schneider
Self - Executive Vice-President JDC
Iris Webb
Self - Friends of the Earth
Andrés Rodríguez
Self - President of Paraguay
Desmond Fernando
Self - President of the Sri Lanka Bar Association
Horst Lippmann
Self - Concert Promoter and Record Producer
Sa Thi Qui
Terry Dicks
Kathy Rathke
Hugh Thompson
Merrill Rosenberg
Self - Director HIAS Italy
Bob Powell
Self - New Tribes Missionary, Campo Loro
David Coghlan
Self - Buggist
Gunter Boas
Self - Jazz Pianist and Broadcaster
Mother Elizabeth
Self - The Novice Mistress
Inga Madlung
Jutta Madlung
Sister Marie
Self - Postulant
Sister Martin
Self - Novice
Heiner Merkel
Self - Hot Club Frankfurt
Thorsten Muller
Self - Hamburg Newspaper Editor
Dietrich Schulz-Koehn
Self - Jazz Critic and Broadcaster
Mother Xavier
Self - Mother General
Gerry Zerkin
Self - Joe Giarratano's Lawyer
Paul Sykes
Gaffar Billoo
Self - Head of Paediatrics, Civil Hospital
David Cruice
Self - Aged 23
Joanne Cooper
David Hughes
Imran Ahmed
Self - Schoolboy
Peter Read
Self - Vice President, A.B.P.I.
Fazal Karim
Self - Grandfather
Tom Barnes
Kathleen Eldridge
Self - Sharon's Mother
Chris Barnard
Self - Chief Executioner, 1962-1986
Mohammed Axim
Lloyd Vogleman
Self - Wits University, Johannesburg
Barry Devonside
Self - Aged 42
Mohammed Tufail
Self - Community Relations Officer
Majid Hussein
Peter Jackson
Self - Football Supporters Association
Alex Maskey
Self - Sinn Fein
Majid Iqbal
Dennis Davis
Self - University of Cape Town
Faisal Hussain
Edna d'Silva
Self - Teacher
Sameena Hanif
Self - Cousin
Frederick Eccleston
Nick Brown
Paul McCaffrey
Self - Aged 31
Harry Wright
Self - Chief Fire Officer
Edwin Cameron
Self - Advocate
Brian Davey
Christopher Armstrong
Self - Consultant Surgeon
Jim McCorry
Self - Development Officer West Belfast
Mike Lawson
David Hill
Self - Director MIND, Camden
Chris Nicholson
Self - Health & Safety Executive
John Morgan
Louise Pembroke
Rashid Mahmood
Abdul Majid
John Shortt
Joe Collier
Self - St. George's Hospital Medical School
Brian Doyle
Brian Lewis
Self - Code of Practice Committee, A.B.P.I.
Tariq Bhutta
Self - Head of Paediatrics, Nishtar Hospital, Multan
Jim Vinters
Rangzib Nazir
Andrea Durbach
Self - Defence Attorney
Vincent O'Grady
John Howat
Self - Nottingham Rehabilitation & Community Care Services
Andy Smith
Wayalt Begum
Self - Grandmother
Nick Harris
Khwaja Abbas
Self - Institute of Medical Sciences
Rosemary Wadsworth
Self - Community Nurse
Mike Curtis
Self - Commandant, Training Centre
Richard D'Agostino
Shadrack de Bruin
Kate de Selincourt
Self - Medical Journalist
John Didcott
Self - Natal Supreme Court
Sheena Duncan
Self - 'The Black Sash' Human Rights Organisation
Miall James
Self - Royal Pharmaceutical Society, Essex
Eric Kearley
Self - Ciba Geigy, 1965-1985
Nigel Kirkman
Self - Bayer, 1983-1985
Virginia Masiza
Nigel McCartney
Self - Area Sales Manager, Pfizer, 1983-1987
Gerald Michael
William Dermott Molloy McDermott
Self - Bishop
Pauline Moloisi
Gwen Parr
Self - Director of Pharma Policy, Ciba Geigy U.K.
Luis Paz Cardenas
Self - Military Police
Maureen Plantagenet
Self - Roussel, 1987-1988
Rudolf Preisig
Brian Robjohns
Self - Deputy Commandant
Shucks Sefanyetso
Self - Lawyer for Human Rights
Sarah Skelton
Themba Xulu
Fidel Castro
Günter Schabowski
Self - Former Politburo Member
Mahathir Mohamad
Self - Prime Minister of Malaysia
Dean Ornish
Gene R. LaRocque
Self - Centre for Defence Information, Washington
Amato Lamberti
Self - 'Osservatorio sulla Camorra'
Norman Cousins
Self - Professor of Medicine
John Atkins
Self - Consultant Obstetrician
Sunil Sinha
Self - Consultant Neonatologist
Rolando Quintero Mena
Self - Former US Navy Employee
Rafael Hernandez Rodriguez
Self - Cuban Centre for Study of the Americas
Norman Shealy
Peter Klein
Steve Couch
Christine Wallace
Self - South Yorkshire Police
Steven Keller
Self - Immunologist
Trevor Bennett
Self - Cambridge University
Eudys Ramirez Creath
Dave Garner
Maria Luisa Casamanes
Peter Morrell
Self - Consultant Paediatrician
Nicola Masini
Mariela Parra Segura
Peter Thompson
Self - Instructor
William McCamy
Self - Commanding Officer, Guantanamo Bay
Valentin Guerro
Andy Parsons
Joaquin Toirac
Self - Local Historian
David Spiegel
George Solomon
Self - Professor of Psychiatry
Peter Phillimore
Self - Senior Research Associate, Newcastle University
Harry Gribbin
Paul Johnson
Wayne Smith
Self - Former Chief of Mission to Cuba, US State Department
Gerry Bean
Bernard Towers
James MacKeith
Self - Forensic Psychiatrist
Irmgard Bittner
Ada Becchi
Self - Commission of Enquiry
Dennis Cerrone
Taff Croll
Gerd Grubner
Richard Hastilow
Felice Imbriani
Self - Mayor of Conza, 1980-1990
Self - Chief Anti-Narcotics Squad, Penang
James Larmuth
Self - Officer Under Training
Rudolf Loschek
Ann Massey
Gordon McMurchie
Self - Asst. Ch. Con. Northumbria Police
Gordon Millward
Self - Northumbria Police
Will Notcutt
Martin O'Connell
Self - Probation Officer, Crime Prevention Project
Sergio Pastore
Susan Payn
Sally Prendergast
Robin Shiffner
Vick Vance
Wolfgang Vogt
John Wakeling
Malcolm Wild
Self - Anti-Narcotics Squad
Ellis Henican
Self - Subway Correspondent, 'Newsday'
John Nutting
Self - Treasury Counsel
Carol Holden
Babs Hale
Michael McConville
Self - University of Warwick
Marianne Harrell
Joe Cantu
Self - Shenandoah Police Chief
David Jeavons
Self - Belgrave Road Police Station
Charles Arnold
John Frawley
Self - Transit Police
Nicola Williams
Self - Barrister
Robin Simpson
Self - Queen's Counsel
Kay Worley
P.C. Taylor
Self - Special Cleaning Squad
Russel Durrett
Dan Morales
Self - Texas Attorney General
Mike Moncrief
Self - Texas State Senate
David Whitehouse
Stephen Reeder
Self - Pupil Barrister
Scott Waychoff
Robert Latham
Robert Seabrook
Joe Crews
Self - Assistant Attorney General
Sally Smith
Al Putre
Self - Revenue Collection
Sid Harrell
Terry White
Ray Ellis
Leisha Dupree
Phil Atkins
Ronald Butler
Self - Senior Clerk
Paul Higham
Caspar Weinberger
Self - Former US Secretary of Defense
Robert McFarlane
Self - Former National Security Advisor
Walid Jumblatt
Self - Leader of the Druze
Martin Smith
Self - Former Principal, Deaf Centre Leeds
Andrew McCooey
George Shultz
Self - Former US Secretary of State
Mary shaw
Self - Stanley Royd Hospital
Steve Russell
Self - Former Marine
Tim Geraghty
Self - Marines Commander, Beirut
Jeff Nashton
Patsy Alderman
James Thurman
Self - FBI Explosives Expert
Alan Coates
Self - Principal Social Services Officer, Stockport
Juanita Battle Parish
Self - David Battle's Widow
Michael Alderman
Laurence Ashworth
Self - Curator, Stanley Royd Museum
Esther Buckmaster
Self - John Buckmaster's Mother
George Pucciarelli
Self - Marines Chaplain
Paul X. Kelley
Ray Wilk
Self - Chief Executive, Wakefield Community Health Trust
Judy Young
Self - Jeff Young's Mother
Shubhi Al Tofaili
Self - Former Hizbollah Leader
Larry Gerlach
Self - Battalion Commander, Beirut
Aref Shaaban
Self - Resident of TIbiyat
David Ford
Ali Swaydan
Self - Shia Refugee, West Beirut
Tim Gully
Self - Former Probation Officer
Earl Guy
Pablo Arroyo
Arley Buckmaster
Self - John Buckmaster's Father
Joe Murray
Self - Former Headmaster