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Music's Role with Social Awareness and Responsibility feat. Van Chiso
Fecha de estreno: 2016-11-21
Music Consumption and the Competitive Streaming Spaces for Music feat. Lévie
Fecha de estreno: 2017-01-06
Music Crossovers feat. Ray Acevedo
Fecha de estreno: 2017-04-01
Hip Hop Producers and Branding feat. SomeSay
Fecha de estreno: 2017-10-27
Radio and where it's going feat. Slendah
Fecha de estreno: 2017-12-09
Womens Perspectives in the Music industry Special feat. Julia McDonald
Fecha de estreno: 2017-12-17
How to Grow as an Artist feat. Poor Advice
Fecha de estreno: 2017-11-24
Growing an Online Fan Base with special guest from Bandzoogle feat. Aliel
Fecha de estreno: 2018-03-03
"Artist as a Business" feat. Sophia's Garden & Young Luv
Fecha de estreno: 2018-03-10
Creating, Producing, Distributing, and Marketing Music as an Artist feat. Anykar
Fecha de estreno: 2018-05-09
All About Branding feat Yunka & AmandaLee
Fecha de estreno: 2018-05-22
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