Carson Wong
Fay Jiang
Holly Rich
Charlotte Washington
Reparto (por orden de créditos)
Jack Green
Self - Welfare and Equality Officer
Johnny Hall
Self - Education Officer
Maggie Elstob
Self - AU Officer
Dermot O'Hare
Self - Moderator
Errol Kerr
Self - Chair of the Students' Council
Emma Dawson
Self - Scrutiny Officer
Harry Parsons
Self - Editor of the Courier candidate
Raff Marioni
Chris Wilkinson
Self - Presidential candidate
Pablo Charro De La Fuente
Self - Education Officer candidate
Katie Smyth
Self - Presidential Candidate
Stylianos Hadjiforados
Self - AU Officer candidate
Adam Warner
John Dilworth
Eleanor Killner
Self - Activities Officer candidate
Haaris Qureshi
Charlotte Boulton
Self - Welfare and Equality Officer Candidate
Grace Dean
Jordan Carroll
Jason Carr
Jack Clohessy
Karina Sorrels
Self - Postgraduate Officer candidate
Joe Gubbins
Sara Elkhawad
Jamie Cameron
Christopher Murray
James Johnson
Self - Host
Julia McGee-Russell
Tom Stone
Katy-Lou Hargreaves
Alice Holloway
Self - Athletic Union Officer
Laura Perry
Self - President
Ania Kurek
Self - Activities Officer
Liam Dale
David Morris
Education Officer
Tom Nicholson
Editor of the Courier
Claire Boothman
Caleb Jones
AU Officer
Amy Macauley
Activities Officer
Olivia Jeffery
Self - Secretary of Welfare
Karishma Joshi
Self - Students With Faith or Belief Officer
Vidhya Gupta
Saffron Mee
Marginalised Genders Officer
Sam Cooke
Chair of the Students' Council
Rebecca Bainbridge
Clara Pettitt
James Sproston
Rowan South
Zoë Godden
Self - Students with Disabilities Officer - Elect
Sarah Craggs
Self - Welfare & Equality Officer
Hannah Fitzpatrick
Self - LGBT+ Officer
Scarlett Rowland
Lara Brooks
Asif Khan
Melanie Anne
Mikesh Lukka
Christopher Winters
Self - Students with Faith or Belief Officer candidate
Alistair Geear
Alana Barnett
Stephen Dawes
Self - Chair of Students' Council candidate
Meg Keates
Activities Officer candidate
Maria Marr
Themself - Marginalised Genders Officer
Tobias Lawrence
Jamie McDonnell
Adam Pencharz
Self - AU Officer Candidate
Ed Huspeth
Clare Martin
Self - Student Support Officer Candidate
Lizzy Pitt
Self - Education Officer Candidate
Hannah Boylin
Self - Editor of the Courier Candidate
Rosie Duffield
Scott Adam
Gemma Davies
Caroline Shorthouse
Self - Student with Disabilities Officer
Adit Agarwal
Self - International Officer
Sophie Ryan
Self - RAG Organiser
Anna Howard
Self - Racial Equality Officer
Oliver Robinson
Self - Campaigns Officer
Jennifer Stott
Self - Ethics and Environment Officer
Georgie Nunan
Simon Murphy
Self - Editor of the Courier
Daniel Bird
Self - LGBT Officer
Sam Steventon
Self - Officer without Portfolio
Stephanie Golightly
Shanna Lennon
Lucy Johnson
Self - NSR Station Manager
Lindon Francis
Self - Convener of Debates
Kat Bannon
Dom Fearon
Luke Allison
Self - Welfare & Equality Officer-Elect
Matthew Brown
Blessing Christian
Self - Students with Caring Responsibilities Officer-Elect
Lucy Morgan
Self - Gender Equality Officer-Elect
Leta Bernhoeft
Self - Press Officer, NSR
Matthew Price
Self - Education Officer-Elect
Adam Latchford
Jingxuan Guo
Self - International Officer-Elect
Will Lilley
Hannah Goring
Angus Taylor
Self - AU Officer-Elect
Fope Olaleye
Themself - LGBT+ Officer-Elect
Safiya Robinson
Self - Racial Equality Officer-Elect
George Haffenden
Victoria Armstrong
Self - Editor of the Courier-Elect
Rohan Kon
Self - Chair of the Students' Council-Elect
Bethany Crenol
Self - Scrutiny Officer-Elect
Daniel Wood
Self - Students with Disabilities Officer
Chloe Burton
Self - Freshers' Week Organiser
Kieran Peel
Josh Turner
Emily Sherwood
Self - Marginalised Genders Officer - Elect
Christopher Duddy
Sophie Matthews
Hasham Gill
Self - Students with Faith or Belief Officer - Elect
Courtney Levin
Jack Taylor
Rachael Kitching
Jade Holroyd
Rebecca Walker
Sneha Vincent
Self - International Students' Officer
Holly Waddell
Self - Student Parents, Guardians and Carers Officer
Dermot O'Dempsey
Self - Presenter
Lauren Sykes
Self - LGBT+ Officer-Elect
Scarlett Eddie
Josh Flinton
Alex Hendley
Alice Fish
Self - Scrutiny Officer-elect
Rabeeyah Cheema
Themself - Racial Equality Officer-elect
Georgia Corbett
Self - Disability Officer-elect
Xin Li
Sidney Pinsent
Alex Reed
Louise Hall
Self - Editor of the Courier (uncredited)
Josh Nicholson
Self - Courier Online Sports Editor (uncredited)
Ronnie Reid
Self - President of the Students' Union (uncredited)
Sophie McDermott
Self - Activities Officer (uncredited)