Diomedes, el cacique de la junta
PLEIADES: Victims of a Serial Killer
La idea de ti
Mufasa: El rey león
PG Porn
Del crepúsculo al amanecer
El gato que vino del espacio
Un amor inesperado
Amor verdadero
Culpa tuya
Haaris Qureshi
Ava Forbes
Carson Wong
Holly Rich
Miles Ogden
Reparto (por orden de créditos)
Self - Disability Officer
Johnny Hall
Self - Education Officer
Errol Kerr
Self - Chair
Sam Cooke
Adam Warner
Self - Chair of Students' Council
Sophie McDermott
Self - Activities Officer
Charlotte Boulton
Self - Marginalised Genders Officer
Raff Marioni
Self - President
Jamie Cameron
Self - Scrutiny Officer
Sian Dickie
Stephen Dawes
Daniel Wood
Self - Students with Disabilities Officer
Cara Brooke
Scarlett Rowland
Carys Rose Thomas
Courtney Levin
Self - LGBT+ Officer (uncredited)
James Sproston
Self - Editor of the Courier (uncredited)
Holly Waddell
Self - Student Parents, Guardians and Carers Officer (uncredited)
Jack Green
Self - Welfare & Equality Officer (uncredited)
Harry Parsons
Self - NSR Station Manager (uncredited)
Rebecca Bainbridge
Self - Activities Officer (uncredited)
Rowan South
Self - Education Officer (uncredited)
Saffron Mee
Self - Marginalised Genders Officer (uncredited)
Self - NUTV Deputy Production Manager (uncredited)
Emma Dawson
Self (uncredited)
Maggie Elstob
Self - AU Officer (uncredited)
Zoë Godden
Self - Students with Disabilities Officer (uncredited)
Hannah Fitzpatrick
Charlotte Washington
Self - NUTV Production Manager (uncredited)
Clara Pettitt
Sarah Craggs
Self - Welfare and Equality Officer (uncredited)
Ronnie Reid
Self - President of the Students' Union (uncredited)
Christopher Duddy
Sophie Matthews
Jack Taylor
Self - President (uncredited)
Rebecca Walker
Matt Lacey
Chloe Burton
Rachael Kitching
Jade Holroyd
Sophie Holt
Rory Ewart
Self - NSR Deputy Station Manager (uncredited)
David Göz
Ghadah Ali
Self - Head Sister, Newcastle University Islamic Society (uncredited)
Karishma Joshi
Self - Students with Faith or Belief Officer (uncredited)
Vidhya Gupta
Self - Scrutiny Officer (uncredited)
Lauren Sykes
Pablo Charro De La Fuente
Katie Smyth
Self - President of the SU (uncredited)
Eleanor Killner
Grace Dean
Karina Sorrels
Self - Postgraduate Officer (uncredited)
Joe Gubbins
Sara Elkhawad