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Reparto (por orden de créditos)
Francine Katz
Self - Vice President of Consumer Affairs, Anheuser-Busch (segment "Party at Gregg's")
Faysal Al-Qasim
Self - Host, The Opposite Direction (segment "The Tiny TV Network with a Big Mouth")
Polly Williams
Self - Wisconsin State Legislator (segment "Public School or Private School: Choice")
Notra Trulock
Self - Former Director of Intelligence, Department of Energy (segment "Notra Trulock")
Mark Krikorian
Self - Executive Director, Center for Immigration Studies (segment "Lost in America")
Robert Markel
Self - Editor-in-Chief, Grosset & Dunlap (segment "Monroe, Mailer, and the Fast Buck")
Richard D. Milligan
Self - Chief Investigating Officer (segment "The 'Trashing' of Clayton Hartwig")
Mike Whalen
Self - Commander, 8th Psychological Operations Battalion (segment "The Information War")
Andy Herrmann
Self - Former President, American Society of Civil Engineers (segment "Falling Apart")
John Shalikashvili
Self - Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff (segment "Is the Nuclear Nightmare Over?")
Sedgwick D. Tourison Jr.
Self - Former Army Intelligence Interrogator (segment "The Lost Commandos")
Robert Robbins
Self - Chair of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Stanford University (segment "To Walk Again")
Frank Holleman
Self - Attorney, Southern Environmental Law Center (segment "The Spill at Dan River")
Garry McCarthy
Self - Former Superintendent, Chicago Police Department (segment "Crisis in Chicago")
Arnold Kriegstein
Self - Doctor, University of California at San Francisco (segment "To Walk Again")
Don Jackson
Self - Director of Threat Intellgience, SecureWorks (segment "The Internet is Infected")
Patrick O'Carroll
Self - Inspector General, Social Security Administration (segment "Dead or Alive")
Federico Soda
Self - International Organization for Migration (segment "Death in the Mediterranean")
John C. Kornblum
Self - Deputy Assistant Secretary, State Department (segment "An American Dilemma")
Lee Bollinger
Self - President, University of Michigan (segment "Negative About Affirmative Action")
Tony Forcelli
Self - Manager, Smith Cairns Ford Dealership (segment "How Many Miles to the Gallon?")
Michael Berenbaum
Self - Research Director, Holocaust Museum (segment "Who Says It Never Happened?")
Wayne Terwillinger
Self - First Base Coach, St. Paul Saints (segment "Take Me Out to the Ball Game")
Tim Kusky
Self - Professor of Earth Science, St. Louis University (segment "New Orleans Is Sinking")
Bart Ney
Self - Spokeman, California Department of Transportation (segment "Competing Against Time")
Joseph Rimkevicius
Self - Organized Crime Section, Lithuanian Police (segment "The Worst Nightmare")
Theophile Mbarushiamana
Self - Former School Principal (segment "A Million Men, Women and Children")
Danny Ewing
Self - Former Finance Manager, Covington Pike Toyota (segment "The Best Possible Deal?")
Michael Oren
Self - Israel's Ambassador to the United States (segment "Christians of the Holy Land")
Paul Butler
Self - Professor, George Washington University Law School (segment "Tipping the Scales")
Frank Gasperini
Self - National Council of Agricultural Employers (segment "Children in the Fields")
Sean Delaney
Self - Former Assistant Attorney General, New York (segment "It Takes One to Know One")
Archbishop Demetrios of America
Self - Greek Archbishop (segment "The Resurrection of St. Nicholas")
Robert Harmon
Self - Health Resources and Services Administration (segment "Take the Money and Run")
Richard Morgan
Self - Dean, Arizona State University Law School (segment "The State vs. James Hamm")
Stephen Brobeck
Self - President, Consumer Federation of America (segment "The Best Possible Deal?")
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