Stu Phelps
Irvin Atkins
Reparto (por orden de créditos)
Art Linkletter
Self - Host
Jack Linkletter
Art James
Self - Announcer
Jack Slattery
Morton Hunt
Self - Author
Vincent Price
David Reuben
Self - author
Franklin Ashley
Self - plastic surgeon
John Drew Barrymore
Dana Andrews
Joyce Brothers
Bill Russell
Self - basketball legend
Shirley Chisholm
Vic Perry
Julius Sumner Miller
Francis Gary Powers
Helen Colton
Lewis Yablonsky
Charlie Shedd
Self - teen expert
Tullah Hanley
Self - Hungarian dancer
Jess Stern
Mason Wong
Robert Finch
Self - HEW secretary
Arlene Van Breems
Self - Computer dating client reporter
Larry Lewis
Anthony Kales
Self - Sleep researcher
Peter Riga
Sammy Davis Jr.
Self - Guest
Robert Stack
Edith Head
Self - Costume Designer
Bob Crosby
Self - Vocalist
Pinto Colvig
Self - as Bozo the Clown
John Indrisano
Self - Professional Boxing Referee
Ginny Simms
Perc Westmore
Self - Makeup Artist
Frances Farwell
Shirley Buchanan
Self - Actress
Muzzy Marcellino
Dolores Poole
Self - 12 year old hula dancer
Jack Owens
Desi Arnaz
Keye Luke
Self - Actor
Wallace Ford
Benay Venuta
Louise Treadwell
Self - Mrs. Spencer Tracy
Joy Hancock
Self - USN Captain Hancock
Frank Walsh
Teddy Horne
Self - Son of Lena Horne
James E. Smith
Self - Reverend Smith
Mrs. Frank Walsh
Buddy Hackett
Leif Erickson
Jack Badaracco
Self - psychologist
William Shatner
Leslie Nielsen
James Brolin
Chuck Norris
Anne Francis
Carrie Fisher
Lucille Ball
Debbie Reynolds
Mickey Rooney
Ernest Borgnine
Anne Baxter
Jerry Lewis
Eartha Kitt
Agnes Moorehead
Eva Gabor
Kathy Garver
Glenn Ford
Ricardo Montalban
Cliff Robertson
Vicki Lawrence
Connie Stevens
Lisa Gerritsen
Eve Arden
Cesar Romero
Martin Milner
Jane Wyman
Johnny Whitaker
Jack Albertson
Celeste Holm
Eddie Albert
Shani Wallis
Jack Cassidy
Arlene Dahl
Anissa Jones
Ruth Buzzi
Leigh Taylor-Young
Edgar Buchanan
Karl Malden
Ken Berry
Phyllis Diller
Andy Devine
Erin Murphy
Bob Crane
Billy Barty
Della Reese
Sebastián Cabot
Ann Miller
Jack Webb
Groucho Marx
Mary Ann Mobley
James Drury
Mercedes McCambridge
Gig Young
Greg Morris
Rose Marie
Sam Jaffe
Joseph Campanella
Don Grady
Bernie Casey
Van Heflin
Kaye Ballard
Otto Preminger
Jackie Joseph
Darby Hinton
Peter Lupus
Paul Winchell
Self - Ventriloquist
Elizabeth Allen
Brandon Cruz
Deanna Lund
Roger Miller
Jay Robinson
Gail Fisher
Mitch Vogel
Bettye Ackerman
Ed McMahon
Kurt Kasznar
Scoey Mitchell
Steve Allen
Dick Smothers
Hari Rhodes
Louis Nye
Todd Fisher
Self - son of Debbie Reynolds
Philip Brown
Raymond St. Jacques
Heather Young
Marcel Marceau
Roy Clark
Barbara McNair
Andy Williams
Bekim Fehmiu
Lloyd Haynes
Peter Ford
Melvin Belli
Self - attorney
Anton LaVey
Rosemarie Stack
Richard Nixon
Wendell Burton
Diane Murphy
Lou Rawls
Charles Collingwood
Jackie Vernon
Ross Hunter
Self - motion picture producer
Todd Starke
Stu Gilliam
Self - comedian
Jeanne Rainer
Slappy White
Richard Steele
Vidal Sassoon
William Inge
Self - playwright
Jean Yarbrough
Victoria Milland
Carlotta Monti
Self - psychic
Jack De Mave
Self - actor
Marc Copage
Michael Link
Billy Eckstine
Bob Smith
Marilyn Bergman
Self - Songwriter
Alan Bergman
Self - songwriter
Lionel Hampton
Erich Segal
Jerry West
Jim Dunham
Self - fast draw expert
Lillian Ellison
Self - wrestler
Ross Perot
Steve Rossi
Brett Halliday
Self - mystery writer
Harry Blackstone Jr.
Self - magician
Moe Di Sesso
Howdy Doody
Self - Marionette
Stanley Myron Handelman
Paul Ehrlich
F. Lee Bailey
Jim Cooper
Self - traveling card sharp
Peter Nero
Self - Jazz pianist
Earl Grant
Self - Jazz organist
Irving Stone
Venetta T. Rowles
Mark Russell
Robert C. Dille
Cleveland Amory
Frederic Kimball
Professor Backwards
Jerry Mahoney
Self - Ventriloquist Dummy
Benjamin Spock
Irving Shulman
David Sachs
Stephen Longstreet
Self - writer
Dick Kleiner
Self - columnist
Irwin Maxwell Stillman
Nancy Gould
Self - model
Herbert Otto
Sheila Ostrander
Daniel Werlé
Lynn Schroeder
Fritz Zimmerman
Self - art director
Fred Steckling
Self - UFO author
Mr. Blackweel
Lamelle Prince
Self - country western singer
Linda Iverson
Self - women's wrist-wrestling champ
Liz Carpenter
Self - secretary to Ladybird Johnson
Tamara Winter
Self - artist
Charles Richter
Self - Earthquake expert
Clinton T. Duffy
Self - Warden of San Quentin Prison
Alison Waller
Self - as Lady Alison Waller
Bob Erkin
Self - father of 10 children
Jay Robert Nash
Helen Hall
Jean Stone
Self - wife of Irving Stone
Merna Goldberg
Self - Plastic surgery patient
George Daisley
Self - Seance practitioner
Ian Phillips
Self - decorator
Crystal Scarborough
Self - swimming instructor
Pauline Byrne
Self - spiritualist
Charles Young
Self - UCLA Chancellor
James Pollock
Self - arm wrestler
Alice McGrath
Bob MacLeod
Self - Teen Magazine editor
George Reedy
Self - Former Press Secy. to President Lyndon Johnson
Joyce Hoffman
Self - surfing champion
Jacqueline Briskin
Jerry Della Femina
Ned Calmer
Self - TV newscaster
Jo Anne Gardner
Dan Cortum
Jerry Neilson
Self - Private eye
Louise Huebner
Self - witch
William F. Hopkins
Felice Gordon
Self - jetsetter
Albert Goshman
Gordon McClean
Tanya Pascal
Self - glass sculptress
Jane Howard
Paul Bindrim
Self - psychotherapist & founder of the nude therapy
Maggi McNellis
Emery Tang
Gene Johnson
Self - good samaritan
Luke Lavalle
Self - blind bowler
Sue Houle
Self - photographer
Isobel Cohen
Charles Wahl
Wyn Sargent
Loreli Turner
Self - palmist
Victor Jules Bergeron
Self - as Trader Vic
Richard Yarborough
Helen Andelin
Maryann Byrne
Elsie Sechrist
Ed Goldfader
Self - vice president of Tracers Co.
David Rorvik
Frank Roberts
Anne Marie Bennstrom
Self - beauty & fitness expert
Elizabeth Mansour
Tim Wood
Self - figure skater
Hal Evry
Louise Meriwether
Barbara Korsch
Gene Widhoff
Self - NBC courtroom artist
Gussie Smith
Self - Military wife of the Year
Zan Thompson
Self - Republican hostess
Self - Former campus drug user
Richard Bloch
Self - founder of H&R Block tax preparation
Ellen Peck
Cele Caestecker
Self - former nun
Denny Hall
Self - ex-convict
Lucy Winchester
Self - White House social secretary
Kenneth Cooper
Self - innovator of Aerobics
Robert C.C. McCulloch
Louise Rohner
Bernard Strehler
Self - USC biology professor
Charles Spencer-Churchill
Holly Martin
Self - Phrenologist
Dennis Warren
Doug Johnson
Self - Spiritualist
Lana Phelan
Robert Chicca
Self - USS Pueblo survivor
K. Ross Toole
Ralph Greenson
Self - UCLA psychology professor
Stewart Phillips
Self - phone company representative
Charles Crayne
Self - L.B. card expert
Amy Pixler
Self - divorce attorney
Carol Rosenberger
Self - concert pianist
Richard Shakarian
Self - mountain climber
Ann Pinchot
Reuben Pannor
Fitzhugh Dodson
Diane Kennedy Pike
Self - Widow of Bishop Pike
Toni Beck
Self - exercise expert
Maxine Cheshire
Self - actress
Harris Nelson
Self - one-man kitchen band
Vic Wilk
Self - golfer
Lou Albee
Marjorie McDonald
Self - numerologist
Elizabeth Rich
Barbara Tidwell
Rocco Motto
Self - child center director
Isabella Warren
Self - collector of miniatures
Kenny Kingston
Paul Colombe
Self - Handwriting expert
Charles Metz
Eleanore Pearson
Self - fortune teller
The Craig Hundley Trio
Joan Quigley
Self - astrologer
Sharon Sites Adams
Self - world explorer
Hannah Scheel
Self - former Danish countess
Bill Morrison
Self - the balloon man
Ruth Dickson
Dianne Knapp
Charles Miller
Self - as Father Charles Miller