Why Don't You Just Switch Off Your Television Set and Go and Do Something Less Boring Instead?_peliplat
Why Don't You Just Switch Off Your Television Set and Go and Do Something Less Boring Instead?_peliplat

Why Don't You Just Switch Off Your Television Set and Go and Do Something Less Boring Instead? (1973)

None | Reino Unido | Inglés | 15 min
Dirección: Mick Dempsey, Peter Charlton, Russell T. Davies

El programa de televisión "Por qué no lo haces tú" animó a los niños a apagar la televisión y hacer algo más agradable y productivo.

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Reino Unido
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También conocido como
Why Don't You Just Switch Off Your Television Set and Go and Do Something Less Boring Instead?
(Título original)
Why Don't You Just Switch Off Your Television Set and Go and Do Something Less Boring Instead?
Reino Unido
Why Don't You?
Reino Unido (short title)
Guía parental
Sexo y desnudez
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Abuso de sustancias
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Contenido intenso y aterrador
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