PG Porn
Iron Fist
Un amor inesperado
Blanca Nieves
Un amor inseparable
Del crepúsculo al amanecer
Nuevamente amor
Beauty in Black
El amor menos pensado
Reparto (por orden de créditos)
Alan Wheatley
Sherlock Holmes
Raymond Francis
Dr. Watson
Iris Vandeleur
Mrs. Hudson
Bill Owen
Inspector Lestrade
Donald Kemp
PC Barker
Pamela Barnard
1st Nursemaid
Sebastián Cabot
Jabez Wilson
Stanley Van Beers
Inspector Forrester
Alan Judd
King of Bohemia
Henry Oscar
Mr. Culverton Smith
Alvys Maben
Lady Hilda Trelawney Hope
Olga Edwardes
Irene Adler
Eric Maturin
Colonel Moran
H.G. Stoker
Colonel Hayter
Martin Starkie
Vincent Spaulding
Thomas Heathcote
Alec Cunningham
John Robinson
Mr. Trelawney Hope
Larry Burns
Duncan Ross
John Stevens
Godfrey Norton
Clement Hamelin
Tall thin man
John Le Mesurier
Eduardo Lucas
Beckett Bould
Mr. Cunningham
Michael Raghan
Old cabby
Arthur Goullet
Mr. Merryweather
Victor Platt
PC Perkins
Nicholas Tannar
Hopeful applicant
J. Leslie Frith
The Premier
Iris Williams
2nd Nursemaid
Sam Kydd
Unimpressed onlooker
Christopher Hodge
Rejected applicant
Betty Turner
Clarence Bigge
Meadows White
Gordon Phillott
Mr. Acton
Tony Burton
1st Errand boy
John Vere
Eddie Joseph Sutch
2nd Errand boy
Vernon Gibb
John Fitzgerald
Eric Dodson
Geoffrey Chater
Edmond Warwick
Alexis Milne
Max Barrett
John Boddington
Florence Viner