Camino hacia el terror
Diomedes, el cacique de la junta
PLEIADES: Victims of a Serial Killer
La idea de ti
PG Porn
Young Hearts
Del crepúsculo al amanecer
Vientre de Alquiler
Pídeme lo que quieras
Culpa tuya
Mervyn Pinfield
Reparto (por orden de créditos)
Rosalie Crutchley
Marion Sharpe
Michael Aldridge
Robert Blair
Veronica Turleigh
Mrs. Sharpe
Gladys Boot
Aunt Lin
Barry Wilsher
Leslie Wynn
Derek Aylward
Tony Bredon
Peggy Thorpe-Bates
Mrs. Wynn
Leslie French
Mr. Heseltine
Jack May
Kevin Macdermott
Edward Harvey
Chief Insp. Hallam
Meg Wynn Owen
Betty Kane
William Marlowe
Stan Peters
Jennifer Hill
Miss Harker
Clifford Earl
Det. Insp. Grant
Anne Sharp
Rose Glyn
Hamilton Dyce
Gladys Spencer
Miss Truelove
Robert S. Young
Clerk of the Court
Denis Cleary
Roderick Lovell
Miles Allison
Joan Phillips
Gladys Rees
Ronald Ibbs
David Langton
Bernard Chadwick
Hilda Fenemore
Mrs. Bratt
Steve Plytas
Mr. Lange
John Barrett
Bus Conductor
Ann Tirard
Michael Nightingale
Police Sergeant
Howard Douglas
A Man
Douglas Livingstone
Bill Brough
John Crocker
Beatrice Kane
Miss Baggaly
Michael Earl
Dennis Handby
Bus Inspector
Nelly Griffiths
Miss Tuff
Judy Child
Mrs. Tilsit
Humphrey Heathcote
Foreman of the Jury
Ronald Mayer
Richard Price
Handwriting Expert
Diana Hope
Frances Chadwick
Donald Conlon
Maria Pope