Reparto (por orden de créditos)
Kenneth L. Bacon
Brad Davidorf
Self - Narrator
Gita R. Kolluru
Richard Ross
Jill Helms
Cynthia Stringfield
Nikii Finch-Morales
Sophia Yin
Serena Brenner
Lauren Esposito
Karen Bales
Vance Vredenburg
Andrea Goodnight
Kara Harpham
Diana L. Guerrero
Gary Wilson
David Riherd
Owen Maercks
Henk Roelink
Orion Comstock
Leslie Lyons
Self - UC Davis
Kip Will
Robert Grahn
Cindy Machado
Self - Marin Humane Society
Jules Sylvester
Self - Animal Trainer
Jean Donaldson
Self - SPCA
Bob Drewes
Beau Weaver
Sara Ruane
Chandra Comstock
Ian Dunbar
Mario Dinucci
Self - Veterinarian
George Bentley
Self - Biologist
Dave Ellis
Self - Northwest Trek Wildlife Park
Melissa Bain
D. Scott Smith
Linda Rayor
Self - Cornell University
Victor Alm
Self - Oakland Zoo
Alison Van Eenennaam
Eugenia Nieto
David Lindberg
Kent Parker
Pippen Graves
Ronald Sherman
Self - Biotherapeutics Researcher
Jesús Aceves
Diego Barquinero
Armand Leroi
Adam Britton
Self - Crocodile Wrangler
Phylis Canion
Self - Rancher
Omar Von Muller
Self - Extreme Pete's Owner
Oleg Kulik
Self - Performance Artist
Erich Ritter
Nick Inchausti
Self - Insect and Rodent Specialist
Bina Patel
Brooke Miller
Jennifer McLendon
Self - Bear Attack Witness
Doug Stangy
Self - Gar Fisherman
Richard Lockey
Self - Immunologist
David Bligh
Janice Wolf
Self - Animal Rescuer
Barbara Flores
Self - Kitten Owner
Sheldon Lew
Self - San Francisco Health Inspector
Shari Henderson
Self - Dog Owner
Michael L. Wilson
Self - University of Minnesota
Pepper Klitsch
Self - Raccoon Owner
Neal Ard
Self - Garter Snakes
Alex Middleton
Self - Body Worlds
Steve Stanfield
Self - Texas Dept. of Public Safety
David Sullivan
Self - Scorpion Sting
Juan Carlos
Self - Raccon Owner
Kelly Levy
Self - Cat Owner
Todd Baer
Self - Journalist
Lana Elswick
Self - Boo Boo's Owner
Andrea Viriro
Self - Frogs
Travis Fessler
Lynne Isbell
Self - Anthropologist
D.J. Kerr
Roger Pradinaud
Isaias Hernandez
Jim Clark
Christine Hartnett
Self - Vet Tech
Michael Barlia
Jerry W. Van Horn
Self - Maintenance Worker
Dave Sheffield
Self - Horse Rescue Witness
Leslie Gray
Self - Woodfish Institute
Marcus Becker
Nigel Marven
Florian Graner
Self - Underwater Photographer
Vickie Ives
Self - Cat Breeder
Kirk Kirkland
Marcus Pursar
Self - Worm Farmer
Ervin Tigheman
Self - Rabbit Owner
Sanford Porter
Self - Entomologist
Rick Sinnott
Self - Wildlife Biologist
Judy Rosenberg
Self - Clinical Psychologist
Adam Fink
Denise Ard
Katherine S. Pollard
Brenda Forsythe
Self - Animal Behaviorist
Karen J. Parker
Ernie Ward
Jim Clarke
Dave Elder
Self - FDA
Michael Pyne
Walter Rountree
Bill Cole
Self - Mental Game Coach
Dan Hadley
Matthew Powers
Self - Rocky Creek Lodge
Stephen Bassett
Cipriano Balderas
Jay Villemarette
Mary Dalton
Self - Wake Forest
Frank Mulreany
Self - Seal Owner
Kelly Vockell
Self - Videographer
Cody Davis
Self - Utility Line Worker
Patricia Pearson
Self - Author
Becki Brunelli
Naomi Janowitz
Jason McElroy
Self - Snake Wrangler
Douglas Lake
Self - Emergency Animal Rescue
James Wagner
Dana Strangel
Self - Wildlife Waystation
Charlie Sammut
George Menzies
Self - Sheep Farmer
Bob Fisher
Self - Professional Angler
Minoo Madon
Avigdor Cahaner
Self - Geneticist
Beki Buelow
Self - Leopard Girl
Shingo Sato
Self - Marine Orchestra
Gordon Holmes
Self - Loch Ness Investigator
Judy Erie
Self - Animal Groomer
Michael Lusk
Frances Nguyen
Self - Panda Witness
Alan Hastings
Guy Langley
Self - Contamination Victim
Liu Ke Qi
Self - Caretaker
Broughton Coburn
Self - Leech
Margaret Marusarz
Ingrid Hansen
Self - Whippet Owner
Rene Gandolfi
Jonathan Scott
Self - Zoologist
Stuart Claxton
Reid Whitney
Self - Festival Attendee
Geoffrey Vassallo
Self - Taxidermist
Roy Gross
Bill Foster
Self - Louisville Zoo
Jennifer Elliott
Self - Snails
Teresa Vick
Self - Skunk Witness
Gary Driscoll
Self - Nevada County Sheriff's Department
Lourival Poussani
Michael Taylor
Self - Hog Owner
Angela Kumpe
Self - Dog Groomer
Sri Purushottam Lal Toshniwal
Self - Cow Urine Expert
Brent Karner
Scott Hiller
Self - Deer Rescue Witness
Adrian Shine
Keith Purton
Celestia Cragun
Self - Auditor
Dennis Flores
Self - Tattoo Industry Consultant
Jenny Wheadon
Ross Staaden
Wayne Crawford
Self - Ostrich Attack
Marty Nemko
Self - Career Counselor
George W. Franey
Gabrielle Nevitte
Alan Conley
Christina Stohlman
Self - Goat Owner
Barbara Witte
Self - Lizard Owner
Lynnette A. Hart
Tanya Andrews
Self - Botfly Larva
Anne Baresse
Self - Iguana Owner
Wim Delvoye
Ned Bruha
Self - The Skunk Whisperer
Ray Macaraeg
Rochester Lewis II
Henk Roelick
Steve Herndon
Self - Farmer
Dave Williams
Self - Skulls Unlimited
Mary Milbert
Self - Beaver Owner
Manuel Villacorta
Self - Dietician
Eric Biber
Self - UC Berkeley
Malcolm Ford
Self - Mollusc Specialist
Glenn Edwards
Ray Anderson
Self - Boulder Creek Rescue
Richard W. Seim
Self - Animal Phobia Researcher
Jan Dunbar
Gregory Popovich
Allister Keene
Self - Toronto Emergency Medical Services
Jordan Russell
Self - Prehistoric Pets
Wolf Tail
Self - Electrical Engineer
Mitsuru Sato
Self - Awashima Marine Park
Dick George
Self - Elephant Painting Instructor
Shannon Johnston
Self - Cougar Witness
Kody Hilton
Stuart Gillham
Larry Swartzlander
Andy 'Grasshopper' Hurdman
Self - Fisherman
Laki Muhalas
Self - Lobzilla Owner
Jenny Anderson
Self - Sandfly Parasite
James Hoyt
Self - Soldier
Ryan Karsten
Self - Mayflies
Lydia Weaver
Self - Pig Owner
Kevin Fitzgerald
Laura Cleary
Karen Dixon Aquino
Self - Animal Welfare Association
George Miljanich
Jasper Lawrence
Self - Autoimmune Therapy
Salvatore Zeitlen
Jeffrey Calaiacovo
Self - Lion Owner
Gael Norrington
Tiffani Kjeldergaard
Self - Smallest Cat Owner
Kimberly Draper
Self - Savannah Cat Shoppe
Kandra Rivers
Self - Possums
Dudley Harris
Self - Found Snake in Toilet
Michael Emerling
Lynn Kimsey
Enrique Gomez De Molina
Tom Buchanan
Rochelle Buffenstein
Todd Stosuy
Self - Santa Cruz Animal Services
Christopher Lowe
Self - Cal State Long Beach
Coyote Osborne
Don Jacklin
Self - Mule Racer
Joseph W. Wilson
Graeme Sawyers
Self - Toadwatch
Dan Shaw
Self - Seeing-Eye Horse Recipient
Gregory Kuehlewind
Sean Gillham
Narelle Smith
Shane Frazier
Niel Bruce
Demi Moss
Self - Tumbu Fly Larva
Carol Boggs
Marloes Schoonheim
Michael Stoskopf
Self - NC State University
Emily Pearce
Self - Horse Owner
Tim Clancy
Self - David Star Jordan Commander
Larry Wallach
Self - Tiger Specialist
Ben Lomond
Self - Rescuer
David Schwendeman
Ada Barack
Self - Snake Massage Therapist
Joel Armstrong
Self - Duckling Rescuer
Brandon Riedel
Cody Machen
Self - Hillcrest Park Zoo
Carol Harris
Gisele Zerbib
Self - Black Leopard Owner
Victor Huang
Self - Octopus Attack
Norberto Marin
Jonathan Cooper
Self - Animal Services Officer
Yvonne Price
Raquel Gorozieta
Self - Octopus
John Fox
Self - Felton Fire Department
Arthur Sciaulino
Self - Bug Man
Todd Endris
Self - Shark Attack Victim
Erik 'Lizard Man' Sprague
Ron Hatcher
Fran Hutchins
Self - Bracken Cave Coordinator
Larry Allen
Gordon Woods
Janet Burleson
Self - Guide Horse Founder
Iman Dahmanto
Self - Python Owner
Patrice Faye
Self - Crocodile Hunter
Kyle A. Wagoner
Jason Schlosberg
Self - Kruger Witness
Ted Touchstone
Jesse Courtney
Self - Spider
Doug Nielsen
Self - Nevada Department of Wildlife
Marina Zimmerman
Jackie Bibby
Keith Payne
Self - Clawed by Platypus
David Parkin
Self - Horse Teeth
Gene Rurka
Self - Exotic Chef
David Steele
Pam Schaller
Self - Aquatic Biologist
Mike Panelli
Self - California Highway Patrol
Colleen Kinzley
Jimmy Morrow
Self - Snake Handler
Ron Rickabaugh
Heather Boswell
Eric Pennington
Bart Weejens
Self - Apopo Director
Sean Crawford
Self - Dallas North Aquarium
Jack Tragus
Self - Halibut Fisherman
Eric Stevens
Mike Marlia
George R. Gallagher
Self - Berry College
Nukul Baibua
Self - Principal
Alejandra Cabreras
Self - Tapeworm
Jack Pendleton
Larry Peterman
Self - Hot Lix Candy Store
Valeria Ruoppolo
Edward Dugosh
Self - EMT
Dorothy Borrush
Self - Max Fund
Sophie Grajeda
Self - Skinny-Legged Animals
Gil Zerbib
Maha Kudu
Self - Street Vendor
Jim Antrim
Self - Orca Rescuer
Dennis Avner
Self - Cat Man
Steve O'Shea
Masayuki Sumida
Self - Amphibian Specialist
Peter Jackson
Self - Auckland Fisherman
Sandra Frosti
Self - Alligator Encounter
Thomas B. Hildebrandt
Self - Elephant Vet
Rebecca Bestwick
Self - Bat Witness
Tim Crowe
Self - Vet Surgeon
Carlos Marquez
Kanchana Katkaew
Dave Fulbright
Self - Animal Control Supervisor
Tiffanie Lords-Jensen
Self - Ostriches and Emus
David Julius
Self - UC San Francisco
Michael Goessling
Self - Small Horse Owner
Prayoon Thong
Self - Crocodile Owner
Duncan Ashley
Self - Tarantula Attack
Jan Griffith
Levan Merritt
Nelson Diaz
Virginia Hale
Self - Calf Owner
Jean Keene
Self - Eagle Witness
Sean Bush
Brooke Lords
Lourival D. Possam
Ben Chauncey
Self - Boat Captain
Charles Vacanti
Self - University of Massachusetts Medical Center
Steve Merritt
Self - Levan's Father
Lee Mayham
Khum Chaibuddee
Guy Harvey
Self - Marine Biologist
Neal Patrick
Self - Marlin Fisherman
Bill Spencer
Self - Patient
C. Thomas Biscardi
Murdoc the Dog
Jude Stringfellow
Shaman Assis
Self - Kaiukina Tribe
Suzanne Bogert
Steve Wagner
Self - Husband
Marinath Goud
Self - Bee Pollen Provider
David George Gordon
Shannon Ainslie
Scott Vorwald
Missy the Cat
Pat Wagner
Self - Bee Therapy Devotee
Diana Woida
Self - Cyclops Piglet Owner
Ken Edwards
Self - Bug Eater
Petal the Dog
Joshua P. Warren
Goldie Chan
Ms. Yu
Jade Ramirez
Police Officer
Matthew Skomo
Port Yard Worker
Adam Prout
Dog Burglar
Tony Bruns
Eugene Anderson
Murdock Timmons
Whitney Lavaux
Self - Tourist
Drew Kaplan
Self - Diver
Ron Hughes
Self - Beachgoer
Rachel Mairose
Self - Secondhand Hounds
Craig Jackson
Brent Crane
Jude Verret
Self - Exterminator
Michael Delaney
Self - Hiker
Sarah Illig
Derek Klingenberg
Vladimir Tsarkov
Self - Paraglider
Drew Gregory
Ken Brown
Tonia Garner
Self - Wildlife Rescuer
Richard Wesley
Self - Hunter
Fred Boyce
Dev Delange
Mike Paproski
Self - Skateboarder
Bjarni Bikkelsen
Jack Strickland
Nan Hansen
Self - Whale Biologist
Nat Davey
Self - Spearfisherman
Evan Van Der Spuy
Daphne Neville
Self - Otter Rescuer
Valerie Taylor
Bill Haast
Po-Yu Chang
Self - Crocodile Vet
Tom Nichols
Self - Crocodile Handler
Debra Warrick
Nancy Haast
Germain Petty
Self - Aquarium Worker
David Raber
Self - Cougar Owner