Beauty in Black
Rosario Tijeras
Los siete pecados capitales
Solo Leveling: Segundo despertar
Moana 2
El caso de 'Bob' Esponja
Mar de amores
El juego del calamar
John Joseph
Richard Ross
Robert M. Wise
Mary Benjamin
Jay Bluemke
Darryl Rehr
Geoffrey Sharp
Reparto (por orden de créditos)
Robert Leigh
Marcos Akiaten
Chip Bolcik
Roger Tilling
Bruce J. MacFadden
Lawrence Witmer
Tim Birkett
Self - Narrator
Richard Stucky
Michael Gottfried
Self - Michigan State University
Luis Chiappe
Chuck Ciampaglio
Self - Wright State University
Bob Chandler
Guillermo Aguirrezabala
Self - student
Stephen Godfrey
Self - Calvert Marine Museum
Sara Bartelli
Bretton W. Kent
Self - University of Maryland
Ryan Johnson
Self - South African Marine Predator Lab
John Babiarz
Self - fossil collector
Greg McDonald
Self - National Park Service
Irv Quitmyer
Self - Florida Museum of Natural History
Gordon Hubbell
Jim Melli
Self - South Dakota Natural History Museum
Gregory Retallack
Self - geologist
Geordie Duckler
Self - palaentologist
Kevin Middleton
Self - Cal State San Bernardino
Lawrence Barnes
Self - Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County
Henry Holloway
Self - gymnast
Richard Hulbert
Robert G. Dundas
Self - Paleontologist
Juan Soto
Aaron Ten Bears
Danny Melendez
Juan Rovelio
Christopher Kent
Douglas Martin
Stephen Wroe
Self - University of New South Wales