Beauty in Black
La idea de ti
Nuevamente amor
El juego del calamar
El padrecito
Valle Salvaje
Diomedes: el ídolo, el misterio y la tragedia
Doctor Milagro
Jeffrey A. Fisher
Kathy Williamson
Reparto (por orden de créditos)
Geoffrey Notkin
Self - Meteorite Hunter
Steve Arnold
Craig Sechler
Self - Narrator
Laurence Garvie
Self - Collections Manager, Meteorite Studies, ASU
Meenakshi Wadhwa
Self - Director, Meteorite Studies, ASU
Mike Zolensky
Sonny Clary
Chris Herd
Self - Curator, Alberta Meteorite Collection, University of Alberta
Thomas Osterberg
Christophe Dumas
John Koivula
Self - Chief Gemologist, GIA
Barry Wilkins
Self - Manager, ASU I-Beam Lab
Paul Teutul Sr.
Self - Orange County Choppers
Carolyn Shoemaker
Self - Telephone Interviewee
Tom Rodman
Self - President, Meteor Crater Friends
Clas Hattestrand
Self - Associate Professor, Stockholm University
Ruben Garcia
Craig John O'Neill
Self - Planetary Science Professor
Charles Ellias
Self - Gemologist
Seth Jarvis
Self - Clark Planetarium Director
Mark Everett
Self - Professor, Texas A&M University
Alan Rubin
Self - Research Geochemist, UCLA
Tommy Pete
Self - Eyewitness
John Duke
Self - Director, Slowpoke Nuclear Reactor Facility
Randy Kofman
Self - Graduate Student, Crater 'Gatekeeper'
Guillermo Chong Diaz
Paula Thomas
Self - Public Affairs Officer, DPG
Self - Meteorite Hunting Dog
Mark Jackson
Self - Meteorologist in Charge, National Weather Service
Shanna Merrell
Don Adair
Loretta Mitchell
Self - Landowner
Scott Moneypenny
Self - Farmer
Twink Monrad
Cameron McRae
Self - Explosives Branch Chief, DPG
Paul Mihalich
Jim Tobin
Self - Meteorite Collector
Jason Wright
Self - Outback Survival Guide
Andy Tompkins
Don Shipowich
Self - Rancher
Mark Fries
Self - Meteoriticist
Roger Cannon
Self - UTTR, 388 Range
Sarah Cervera
Self - PhD Student, University of Texas, El Paso
Erin Walton
Self - Grant MacEwan University
Wanda Adair
Carin Osterberg
Marcus J. Teters
Frank Ciampi
Robert Matson
Self - Doppler Radar Expert
Art Ehlmann
Self - Emeritus Professor of Geology, TCU
Willie Supak
James Ashley
Self - School of Earth & Space Exploration, ASU
Nate Ditto
Andrzej Muszynski
Self - Institute of Geology, Adam Mickiewicz University
Suzanne Morrison
Sergey Afanasev
Dima Sadilenko
Daniel Rasky
Ames Research Center
Wendy Townsend
Greg Thompson
Larry A. Lebofsky
Self - Senior Research Scientist A.S.U.
Lanny Haldy
Self - Museum Director, Amana Heritage Society
Marcin Stolarz
Ray Anderson
Self - Senior Geologist, Iowa Geolocical Survey
Eric Becklin
Self - Chief Scientist, SOFIA