Venom: El Último Baile
Solo Leveling: Segundo despertar
Beauty in Black
Los siete pecados capitales
Culpa tuya
Moana 2
Rosario Tijeras
Mufasa: El rey león
David J. Thomas
Reparto (por orden de créditos)
Jack Walters
Davy Jones
Aubrey Richards
Tom Davies the Lamps
Eynon Evans
PC Prosser
Dilys Davies
Liza Hargest
John Gill
Morgan the Keeper
Howell Evans
Frankie the Wern
Llewellyn Rees
Major D. Pryce-Powell
Emrys Leyshon
Price the Carpenter
W.H. Williams
Jenkins the Stores
Roddy Hughes
Old Price
Mary Jones
Miss Pennar-Lewis
Brinley Jenkins
Bevan the Engine Driver
Edward Rees
Excise officer
Madge Jones
Maggie Williams