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Inggo's Wit and Undeniable Bravery Helped Him Earn the Kristal ng Bituin
Fecha de estreno: 2011-02-07
Inggo's Family Is Kicked Out from Their Own House After His father's Death
Fecha de estreno: 2011-02-08
Inggo Tries to Figure Out the True Powers of His Agimat
Fecha de estreno: 2011-02-09
Inggo's Great Desire to Solve a Crime Drives Him Closer to Danger
Fecha de estreno: 2011-02-10
Inggo Assures Morgana That Someday They Will Get Their House and Fortune Back
Fecha de estreno: 2011-02-11
Will Inggo Finally Discover the Powers of His Agimat?
Fecha de estreno: 2011-02-14
Inggo Tries Out His Luck in Politics
Fecha de estreno: 2011-02-15
Inggo Unifies His Barangay Against a Tear Down
Fecha de estreno: 2011-02-16
Inggo Leads a Protest with His Kabarangays to Stop the Tear Down
Fecha de estreno: 2011-02-17
Inggo Saves Helen Through His Agimat
Fecha de estreno: 2011-02-18
Inggo Accuses the Salazars as Gun Suppliers
Fecha de estreno: 2011-02-21
Inggo and Jun-jun Are Charged with Trespassing
Fecha de estreno: 2011-02-22
Since Inggo Seems to Be Invincible, Morgana Opts to Hurt the People Around Him Instead
Fecha de estreno: 2011-02-23
The Barangay Festivities Draw Inggo and Helen Closer
Fecha de estreno: 2011-02-24
Victor Makes Sure That Inggo Won't Be Able to Win His Case Against Morganna
Fecha de estreno: 2011-02-25
Inggo Does Everything to Find Out the Truth Behind the Death of His Father
Fecha de estreno: 2011-02-28
Inggo Is Definite That His Father's Death Is Caused by One of the Salazar's
Fecha de estreno: 2011-03-01
Morganna Discovers That Victor Is Responsible for Inggo's Father's Death
Fecha de estreno: 2011-03-02
Victor Tells Helen to Stop Being Associated with Inggo's Family
Fecha de estreno: 2011-03-03
Victor Is Eager to Destroy Inggo's Reputation
Fecha de estreno: 2011-03-07
Belen Finally Woke Up from Being Sleep for a Period of Time
Fecha de estreno: 2011-03-08
Inggo and Helen Argue about Victor's Involvement in Crimes
Fecha de estreno: 2011-03-09
Junjun Asks the People of Looban to Support Inggo
Fecha de estreno: 2011-03-10
Belen Revealed to the Public That Victor Was the One Who Attempt to Kill Her
Fecha de estreno: 2011-03-11
A Miscalculated Attempt to Regain His Agimat Causes Inggo's Arrest
Fecha de estreno: 2011-03-14
Victor Plans to Escape But Inggo Is There to Stop Him
Fecha de estreno: 2011-03-15
Inggo Regains the Trust, Admiration and Love of His Constituents
Fecha de estreno: 2011-03-16
Helen Urges Her Father to Surrender to the Police
Fecha de estreno: 2011-03-17
Will the Power of Inggo's Agimat Will Prevail Until the End
Fecha de estreno: 2011-03-18
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