
The Mind of a Leader I Based on Niccolò Machiavelli's 'The Prince' (2011) | Todos los episodios


Fortune & Ability. Based on chapter I in 'The Prince': 'How many kinds of principalities there are, and in what manner they are acquired'

Fecha de estreno: 2011-01-01


The Successor. Based on chapter II in 'The Prince': 'Of hereditary principalities'

Fecha de estreno: 2011-01-01


External Organizations & Markets. Based on chapter III in 'The Prince': 'Of mixed principalities'

Fecha de estreno: 2011-01-01


Organizational Structure. Based on chapter IV in 'The Prince': 'Why the Kingdom of Darius, which was conquered by Alexander, did not revolt against the successors of Alexander after his death'

Fecha de estreno: 2011-01-01


Mergers & Acquisitions. Based on chapter V in 'The Prince': 'How cities or principalities are to be governed that previous to being conquered had lived under their own laws'

Fecha de estreno: 2011-01-01


Readiness, Opportunity & Action. Based on chapter VI in 'The Prince': 'Of new principalities that have been acquired by the valor of the prince and by his own troops'

Fecha de estreno: 2011-01-01


Turning Trouble-shooters Into Scapegoats. Based on chapter VII in 'The Prince': 'Of new principalities that have been acquired by the aid of others and by good fortune'

Fecha de estreno: 2011-01-01


Carrying Out Good And Bad Initiatives. Based on chapter VIII in 'The Prince': 'Of such as have achieved sovereignty by means of crimes

Fecha de estreno: 2011-01-01


Close Relations To All Levels In The Organization. Based on chapter IX in 'The Prince': 'Of civil principalities'

Fecha de estreno: 2011-01-01


Scare Campaigns. Based on chapter X in 'The Prince': 'In what manner the power of all principalities should be measured'

Fecha de estreno: 2011-01-01


Untouchable Positions And Institutions. Based on chapter XI in 'The Prince': 'Of ecclesiastical principalities'

Fecha de estreno: 2011-01-01


The Use Of Consultants. Based on chapter XII in 'The Prince': 'Of the different kinds of troops, and of mercenaries'

Fecha de estreno: 2011-01-01


Outsourcing & Strategic Alliances. Based on chapter XIII in 'The Prince': 'Of auxiliaries, and of mixed and national troops'

Fecha de estreno: 2011-01-01


Studying Great Leaders And Staying Alert. Based on chapter XIV in 'The Prince': 'Of the duties of a prince in relation to military matters'

Fecha de estreno: 2011-01-01


Popularity & Efficiency. Based on chapter XV in 'The Prince': 'Of the means by which men, and especially princes, win applause, or incur censure'

Fecha de estreno: 2011-01-01


Managing The Expectation Of Benefits. Based on chapter XVI in 'The Prince': 'Of liberality and parsimoniousness'

Fecha de estreno: 2011-01-01


Management By Fear. Based on chapter XVII in 'The Prince': 'Of cruelty and clemency, and whether it is better to be loved than feared'

Fecha de estreno: 2011-01-01


Personal Appearance. Based on chapter XVIII in 'The Prince': 'In what manner princes should keep their faith'

Fecha de estreno: 2011-01-01


Delivering Good & Bad News. Based on chapter XIX in 'The Prince': 'A prince must avoid being contemned and hated'

Fecha de estreno: 2011-01-01


Those Who Supported The Former Ruler. Based on chapter XX in 'The Prince': 'Whether the erection of fortresses, and many other things which princes often do, are useful, or injurious'

Fecha de estreno: 2011-01-01


Enterprises, Greatness & Public Diversion. Based on chapter XXI in 'The Prince': 'How princes should conduct themselves to acquire a reputation'

Fecha de estreno: 2011-01-01


Personal Assistants. Based on chapter XXII in 'The Prince': 'Of the ministers of princes'

Fecha de estreno: 2011-01-01


Flatterers & Truthful Advisors. Based on chapter XXIII in 'The Prince': 'How flatterers should be avoided'

Fecha de estreno: 2011-01-01


Judging Hereditary Leaders. Based on chapter XXIV in 'The Prince': 'The reason why the princes of Italy have lost their states'

Fecha de estreno: 2011-01-01


Preparation For Bad Fortune. Based on chapter XXV in 'The Prince': 'Of the influence of fortune in human affairs, and how it may be counteracted'

Fecha de estreno: 2011-01-01


The Basis For A Comeback. Based on chapter XXVI in 'The Prince': 'Exhortation to deliver Italy from foreign barbarians'

Fecha de estreno: 2011-01-01