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Nicole gets introduced to heroin crowd
Fecha de estreno: 2016-08-30
It' time to score some from the better of two evils
Fecha de estreno: 2016-08-30
A day of just shooting H
Fecha de estreno: 2016-08-30
Episode #1.4
Fecha de estreno: 2016-08-30
Would you let your girl sell herself for it?
Fecha de estreno: 2016-08-30
She doesn't even know where she is but now she's one of them
Fecha de estreno: 2016-08-30
Stealing and being forced to hook for heroin
Fecha de estreno: 2016-08-30
How's you talk yourself into thinking hooking for heroin is ok?
Fecha de estreno: 2016-08-30
Coming empty handed and forced to sell your body for it
Fecha de estreno: 2016-08-30
Everything is escalating
Fecha de estreno: 2016-08-30
Needing it bad
Fecha de estreno: 2016-08-30
Feeling the need to do whatever it takes
Fecha de estreno: 2016-08-30
Obsession and a rotting body
Fecha de estreno: 2016-08-30
Telling secrets and taking a woman
Fecha de estreno: 2016-08-30
H cause so many problems
Fecha de estreno: 2016-08-30
Offering your friends for H
Fecha de estreno: 2016-08-30
Complying with the unthinkable
Fecha de estreno: 2016-08-30
She was sold to a drug dealer
Fecha de estreno: 2016-08-30
Losing the grip
Fecha de estreno: 2016-08-30
Fecha de estreno: 2016-08-30
Doing what it takes to save a friend
Fecha de estreno: 2016-08-30
Fecha de estreno: 2016-08-30
When heroin destroys love
Fecha de estreno: 2016-08-30
Getting a phone call that alters everything
Fecha de estreno: 2016-08-30
Last respects
Fecha de estreno: 2016-08-30
When you realize you can't trust anymore
Fecha de estreno: 2016-08-30
Could you snap out of it?
Fecha de estreno: 2016-08-30
Getting rejected
Fecha de estreno: 2016-08-30
It's almost over, how far would you have come?
Fecha de estreno: 2016-08-30
Does Craig Survive
Fecha de estreno: 2016-08-30
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