Jacques Plaisant
Reparto (por orden de créditos)
Celine Sallette
Self - Narrator (voice)
Susanne Grawe
Karine Madrigal
Self - Egyptologist
Robert Solé
Self - Author and Journalist
Aurélien Lignereux
Self - Professor for History, Sciences Po Grenoble
Vanessa Desclaux
Self - Egyptologist, Conservator-restorer in the department of manuscripts, French National Library
Chrisitan Cannuyer
Self - Egyptologist, Professor at the Theology Department, Lille
Claude Rilly
Self - Egyptologist, Forschungsleiter, CNRS
Aymeric Perroy
Self - Directeur de la Culture et du patrimoine du département de l'Isère
Christophe Barbotin
Self - Chief Conservator-restorer of the department for Egyptian Antiquities, Musée du Louvre
Ilona Regulski
Self - Curator Egyptian Written Culture - Assistant Keeper, British Museum
Nicolas Grimal
Self - Perpetual Secretary of the Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres
Vincent Rondot
Self - Directeur du Département des Antiquités égyptiennes du Musée du Louvre
Marc Gabolde
Self - Professor, Université Paul Valéry, Montpellier
Ismaël Molia
Self - Voice of Champollion (voice)
Cedric Zimmerlin