Reparto (por orden de créditos)
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
Self - Director-General, World Health Organization (archiveFootage)
Oscar Aguilera
Self - Doctor Cum Laude in fundamental biology
Christine Anderson
Self - Member of the European Parliament (archiveFootage)
Jacinda ardern
Self - Prime Minister of New Zealand (archiveFootage)
Carlos Astiz
Self - journalist and PH. in information of information
Louis Aubouin
Self - Physician and founder of the Ulysse institute
Xavier Azalbert
Self - Mathematician and economist director of 'FranceSoir'
Pierre Barnerias
Self - Journalist and film director, Director of 'Hold-Up'
Gerard Batten
Joe Biden
Self - U.S. President (archiveFootage)
Osama bin Laden
Self (archiveFootage)
Tony Blair
Self - Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (archiveFootage)
Albert Bourla
Self - Chief Executive Officer of Pfizer (archiveFootage)
Chinda Brandolino
Self - Founder of 'Doctors for the Argentine truth'
Alexandre Juving Brunet
Self - Former officer of the french military intelligence agency DRSD
Valérie Bugault
Self - Doctor of law and geopolitical analyst
George Bush
Self - Former President of the United States of America (archiveFootage)
George W. Bush
Self - President of the United States of America (archiveFootage)
Rashid Buttar
Self - Physician and former director of emergency medecine US army
Pablo Campra
Self - PH.D. in chemical sciences and B.S. in biological sciences
Grégory Catteau
Self - Cybersecurity expert
King Charles III
Self - Heir to the throne of the United Kingdom (archiveFootage)
Noam Chomsky
Self - Linguist, philosopher, political scientist (archiveFootage)
Bill Clinton
Self - Former President of the USA (archiveFootage)
Hillary Clinton
Self - Former U.S. Secretary of State of the United States (archiveFootage)
Neil Dalchau
Self - Scientist, Microsoft Reasearch (archiveFootage)
Luis Miguel Benito de Benito
Self - Doctor in cell biology, medecine and surgery
Carlos Vara de Rey
Self - Active Air Force Colonel
Christian Drosten
Self - Professor University of Bonn. Germany (2022) (archiveFootage)
Jon Etxebarria
Self - Former dean of Basque School of biologists
Anthony Fauci
Viviane Fischer
Self - Attorney and economist (archiveFootage)
Reiner Fuellmich
Self - Famous lawyer for the Deutsche Bank and Volkswagen lawsuits
Bill Gates
Self - Co-founder of Microsoft (archiveFootage)
Gérard Guillaume
Self - Medical doctor and immunologist rheumatologist
António Guterres
Self - Secretary-General of the United Nations (archiveFootage)
Yuval Noah Harari
Self - Historian and writer, Author of 'Sapiens' (archiveFootage)
Demis Hassabis
Self - Co-founder of 'Deepmind' (archiveFootage)
Alexandra Henrion-Caude
Self - Ph.D. in genetics former director of research of INSERM
Didier Houssin
Self - Chair of the emergency committe (archiveFootage)
Tom Inglesby
Self - Director, Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security (archiveFootage)
Boris Johnson
Self - Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (archiveFootage)
Pierre Jovanovic
Self - Expert in geopolitics and financial Mafias
Alex Karp
Self - Palantir Technologies Co-founder (archiveFootage)
Henry Kissinger
Self - ExSecretario de Estado (archiveFootage)
André Kudelski
Self - Presidente del Consejo de administracion del grupo Kudelski (archiveFootage)
Alfonso Longo
Self - Master trainer in neurolinguistic programming
Alexander Lukashenko
Self - President of Belarus (archiveFootage)
Fernando López Mirones
Self - Biologist, professor and documentarian
Emmanuel Macron
Self - President of the French Republic (archiveFootage)
Michel Maffesoli
Self - Emerite professor at La Sorbonne and sociologist
Robert Malone
Self - inventor of MRNA technology (archiveFootage)
Cristina Martín Jiménez
Self - PH.D. in communication science and expert in geopolitics
Angela Merkel
Self - German Chancellor (archiveFootage)
Jean-Dominique Michel
Self - Expert in public health, medical anthropology and ethnolinguistics
Luc Montagnier
Self - Virologist and Nobel Prize in medecine
Kary B. Mullis
Self - Nobel Prize in chemistry for the invention of the Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) (archiveFootage)
Barack Obama
Self - Former President of the United States (archiveFootage)
Steve Ohana
Self - Doctor in economics and expert in risk management and statistics
Dimitri Papalexopoulos
Self - CEO of Titan Cement Company (archiveFootage)
Vincent Pavan
Self - Mathematican researcher and professor at the D'Aix-Marseille University
Nancy Pelosi
Self - Speaker of the U.S. house of representatives (archiveFootage)
Christian Perronne
Self - Former senior official of the World Health Organization
Andrew Phillips
Self - Head of Bio Computation, Microsoft (archiveFootage)
Sebastián Piñera
Self - Former President of Chile (archiveFootage)
Nadiya Popel
Self - Doctor and former worker in the emergency department
Didier Raoult
Self - spécialiste des maladies infectieuses (archiveFootage)
German Sarlangue
Self - Political scientist and independent researcher
Klaus Schwab
Self - Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum (archiveFootage)
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Heiko Schöning
Self - Military Doctor and founder of 'World Doctors Alliance'
Georg Seelig
Self - Associate professor Electrical Engineering (archiveFootage)
Javier Solana
Self - Former high representative of the Union for foreign affairs and security policy (archiveFootage)
Cristian Terhes
Justin Trudeau
Self - Prime Minister of Canada (archiveFootage)
Maria Van Kerkhove
Self - Head of the Who emerging diseases and zoonoses unit, WHO (archiveFootage)
Martin Vetterli
Self - Presidente Escuela Federal Politecnica De Laussane (archiveFootage)
Javier Villamor
Self - Journalist, analyst and political advisor
Ursula von der Leyen
Self - President of the European Commission (archiveFootage)
Björn Wahlroos
Self - President Nordea Bank (archiveFootage)
Wolfgang Wodarg
Self - Doctor, virologist and Expert in pulmonology
Paul Wolfowitz
Self - Deputy Defense Secretary (archiveFootage)
Michael Yeadon
Self - Former Pfizer Executive (archiveFootage)
Mark Zuckerberg
Self - Facebook CEO (archiveFootage)