La idea de ti
Camino hacia el terror
Iron Fist
Mala influencia
El gato que vino del espacio
Rosario Tijeras
Un amor inesperado
Moana 2
Nuevamente amor
Reparto (por orden de créditos)
Joshua Lemay
Tim Burr
Chad Allegra
Chad 2 Badd
Ace Austin
Rip Rayzor
Sam Beale
Duke Winchester
Matt Cardona
GI Broski
Eric Cornish
Artichoke Jenkins
Scott D'Amore
Giuseppe Scovelli Sr.
Jacob Doyle
'Hard' Harry Hall
Joe Dorgan
Johnny Swinger
Savannah Evans
Wanda the Werewoman
Terry Gerin
Frank the Butcher
Jordynne Grace
Georgia Cobb
Tony Gunn
Stalingrad Strangler
Andrew Hankinson
Sex Ferguson
Albert Hardie
Ace Reporter
Josh Harter
Jessicka Havok
Lady Bird Johnston
Mike Jackson
Mikey Singer
Larry D.
Badlands Bart
Josh Lomberger
Giuseppe Scovelli,Jr.
Willie Mack
Santa Claus
Johnathan Mellnick
Colonel E. Corn
Trey Miguel
Bill Ding
Heath Miller
Pelvis Wesley
Georgia Milton
Rusty Iron
Bill Morrissey
Eric 'The Red' Wood
Brian Myers
Brian Bone-Crunchin
Quinn Ojinnaka
DJ 2Large
Deonna Purrazzo
Ima Belle
R.D. Reynolds
The $237,000 Man
Steve Scott
Dexter Petticoat
Ashley Simmons
Jazzy Fitbody
Al Snow
Dr. Snow
Jacob Southwick
Sergey the Siberian
Daniel Spencer
Referee Cliff Connere
Jackson Stone
Mr. E
Hakim Zane
Quincy Cosmos