Lewis Lovhaug
Reparto (por orden de créditos)
Mike Dodd
Obed Scarsdale (voice)
Garrett Snook
Assistant (voice)
Leeman Kessler
Ask Lovecraft (voice)
Linkara (voice)
Jerrica Benton
Diamanda Hagan (voice)
Amanda Spikol
The Minion (voice)
William DuFresne
Suede (voice)
Tony Goldmark
Some Jerk With a Camera (voice)
Eric Rodriguez
The Blockbuster Buster (voice)
Antonella Inserra
Nella (voice)
Elisa Hansen
Maven of the Eventide (voice)
Heather McDonald
Calluna (voice)
Dena Natali
Dena (voice)
Mat Williams
Welshy (voice)
Nicholas Merlo
The Bargain Boy (voice)
Jonathan Burkhardt
ChaosD1 (voice)
Luke Spencer
Luke Spencer (voice)
Paul Schuler
Paw (voice)
Dom Smith
Dom (voice)
Kaylyn Saucedo
Marzgurl (voice)
Nash Bozard
Nash (voice)
Shaun Kronenfeld
Shaun Kronenfeld (voice)
Justin Fruhling
Lotus Prince (voice)
Mike Jeavons
MikeJ (voice)
Ryan Molina
Ryan Molina (voice)
Omar Ahmed
Yomarz (voice)
Dex Clemens
Goofy Gary (voice)
Beth Elderkin
Sally (voice)
Chris Ho
Dr. Vivisen (voice)
Holly Christine Brown
Emma (voice)