Kally's Mashup
PG Porn
Besos, Kitty
Moana 2
La Forja
Culpa Mia
Mea culpa
Venom: El Último Baile
Attila Rostas
Reparto (por orden de créditos)
Boyan Radoslavov
Brendan Sweeney
Project Leader
Brandon Hamilton
Lead FBI Agent
Christopher Weddle
Soldier in Contest
Darren Breen
Ryan Takemiya
Nisei Soldier with Lighter
William M Rogers
FBI Agent with Notebook
Rafael Piazza
Soldier with Lighter
Keith Curry
Daniel Dow
Soldier with Flag
Andre Tameta
Nisei Soldier in Contest
Gary Lee
NIsei Soldier Bit by Dog
David Dorn
Lead Dog Handler with Dog FALCO Vom Haus Krotter
William A. Biggins
Agent on Boat with Dog RAGAN
Donny Urabe
Agent on Boat with Dog JUNI
Matthew Boone
Dog handler with dog AXEL
Dana Cory
Dog handler with dog DASH
Timmy Dang
Nisei soldier
Jeffrey Dutto
Dog handler with dog JUDGE
Justy Her
J-kai Hsu
Tom Hunley
Dog handler with dog THEO
Masa Jow
Ashton Liu
Meng M. Lo
Nick Mavrakis
Dog handler with bite dog ARES
Atsushi Miyamoto
Matt Mori
Michael Ng
Thomas Perez
Dog handler with dog DUKE
Nile Sharkes
Daniel Skrimager
Dog handler with Dog BEAR
Richard Smigelski
Dog handler with dog KATO
Angela Spears
Dog handler with dog BABA YAGA
Dave Wells
Dog handler with dog AJ