Nuevamente amor
Del crepúsculo al amanecer
Beauty in Black
La idea de ti
Un amor inseparable
Vientre de Alquiler
Blanca Nieves
Una buena familia americana
Cheryl Horner
Eddie Axley
Reparto (por orden de créditos)
Rebecca Boldrick
Self - David's Mom
Chance the Rapper
Jaclyn Corin
Self - MSD Student
Sandy Davis
Self - MSD Teacher
Matt Deitsch
Self - March For Our Lives Co-Founder
Ryan Deitsch
Stephany Deoliveira
Mitch Dworet
Self - Father of MSD Shooting Victim Nick Dworet
Jeff Foster
Andrea Ghersi
Self - Joaquin's Sister
Danielle Gilbert
X González
Fred Guttenberg
Self - Jaime's Dad
Tyra Hemans
Self - MSD Senior
David Hogg
Kevin Hogg
Self - David's Dad
Lauren Hogg
Jennifer Hudson
Cameron Kasky
Amanda Lee
Jammal Lemy
Self - March For Our Lives Creative Director
Sarah Lerner
Chris Murphy
Self - Senator, Connecticut
Manuel Oliver
Self - Joaquin's Dad
Patricia Oliver
Self - Joaquin's Mom
Vikiana Petit-Homme
Self - Exec. Director, March For Our Lives Boston
Ronit Reoven
Self - AP Psychology Teacher
Aly Sheehy
Laura Sheehy
Self - Aly's Mom
Elizabeth Stout
Morgan Williams
Samuel Zeif