Gabriel Auffant
Reparto (por orden de créditos)
Katie Ashworth
Swooning Girl 1
David Auffant
The Wrong Hostage
The Doctor
Michael Auffant
Thug 2
Tate Bostick
Thug 4
Cori Boyd
Billly the Thugs Mother
Jonathan Boyd
Billy the Thugs Father
Rachel Caldwell
The Boss's Secretary
Thomas Couch
The Boss
Kirstin Critz
The Driver
Garrison Day
Thug 3
Cameron Deike
John Smith
Micah Hodges
Sam Finn
Michaela Hood
Swooning Girl 2
Caleb Johnson
Zeke Bennett
Ethan Johnson
The leprechaun
Seth Johnson
Max Ward
Hayley Karkoska
Blondie Beckett
Jack Karkoska
Jack Snow
Brian Kettering
Bruce Wiggles the Thug
David Miller
Billy the Thug
Jonathan Miller
Peter Miles
Mia Miller
Girl picking Flowers
Michael Nolte
James Payne
Man being interrogated
Leland Payne
Man shot by Bruce Wiggles
David Riding
Thug 1
Joel Simmons
Bystander 1
Owen Simpson
Thug 5
Jacob Smiley
The Frenchman
Janie Smiley
Bystander 2
Phillip Smiley
Jimmy Lake
Colin Tompkins