John Davies
Reparto (por orden de créditos)
Bruce Bittner
Self - Deep Diver
Hunter Brawley
Self - Walter Alcock's Grandson
Beverly Dawson
Self - Author, 'Glenview Naval Air Station
Chuck Downey
Self - U.S. Aviator, DFC (Distinguished Flying Cross)
Paul ehorn
Walter B. Elcock
Self - Lt., U.S. Navy Aviator
Ed Ellis
Self - Naval Aviation Museum Foundation
Chuck Greenhill
Self - Sponsor
David Grumman
Self - Son of Grumman Aviation Founder
Kris Habermehl
Self - Aviation Journalist & Pilot
David Hull
Self - Restoration Specialist, Air Zoo
Carl Johnson
Self - Ensign, U.S. Navy Aviator (archiveFootage)
Bill Kurtis
John Laudermilk
Self - Historian
Taras Lyssenko
Self - A. & T. Recovery
Toby Mack
Self - Chicago Navy Memorial Foundation
John J. Manley
Self - Merchant Mariner (archiveFootage)
Bill Marquardt
Self - NAS Glenview Museum
William Murphy
Self - Plane Director, U.S.S. Wolverine
Allan Olsen
Keith Pearson
Self - Lead Recovery Engineer & Diver
Bob Rasmussen
Self - Former U.S. Navy Blue Angel
Charles Roemer
Self - Lt., U.S. Navy Aviator and Landing Signal Officer (archiveFootage)
Tim Samuelson
Self - City of Chicago, Cultural Historian
Mark Sheppard
Self - Historical Researcher
Herbert Sohn
Self - Navy Pier Radar School
Duane thiessen
Joseph Troiani
Self - Phd., Commander, U.S. Navy
Nancy Van Heule
Self - Local Resident
Greg Ward
Self - Air Zoo
Richard Whitehead
Self - CDR., Ninth Naval District - Chicago (archiveFootage)
Paul Wiselka
Self - Radio Operator, U.S.S. Wolverine
Grant Young
Self - Naval Aviator (Purple Heart, Navy Cross)