La idea de ti
Mufasa: El rey león
Del crepúsculo al amanecer
Female teacher closing the door
Beauty in Black
Deadpool & Wolverine
Nuevamente amor
El amor menos pensado
Un amor inesperado
Boris Szulzinger
Reparto (por orden de créditos)
Bernard Dhéran
Narrateur (voice)
Claude Bertrand
Le chef M'Bulu (voice)
Roger Carel
Le second siamois (voice)
Pierre Trabaud
Le premier siamois (voice)
Paule Emanuele
La reine Bazonga (voice)
Arlette Thomas
June (voice)
Georges Aminel
Shame (voice)
Philippe Dumat
Le journaliste à la radio (voice)
Guy Piérauld
Le professeur Cedric Addlepate (voice)
Laurence Badie
Steffanie Starlet
Marc de Géorgi
Brutish (voice)
Lita Recio
La nurse (voice)
Bob Perry
Narrator (voice)
Christopher Guest
Chief M'Bulu (voice)
Andrew Duncan
Charles of the Pits #2 (voice)
Brian Doyle-Murray
Charles of the Pits #1 (voice)
Patricia Bright
Queen Bazonga (voice)
Emily Prager
Johnny Weissmuller Jr.
Bill Murray
Reporter (voice)
Guy Sorel
Cedric Addlepate (voice)
Deya Kent
Judy Graubart
Stella Starlet (voice)
Adolph Caesar
M. Vernon
Anthony Jackson
John Baddeley
John Belushi
Craig Baker (voice)