Bill Raymond
Reparto (por orden de créditos)
Garrett Adkins
Ring Announcer
Stephanie Ward
Oil Wrestler - The Ninja
Leora Van Hoke
Dolly Roger - The Pirate
Denise King
Oil Wrestler
Karin Fahne
Robin Webber
Belinda Foley
Oil Wrestler - The High Seas Lover
Cindy Rome
Foxi Boxer - Sugar Rae Renee
Kelly Davis
Foxi Boxer - Cactus Kelly
Pamela Ward
Foxi Boxer - The Valley Girl
Diane Barry
Foxy Boxer
Shelly Achterberg
Traci Bocardo
Peggy Reese
Mud Wrestler
Donna Chucklamelka
Sherry Ziade
Kristi Somers
Pam Lawson
Teri Lervold
Connie Sanchez
Yvonne Brookshire
Steve Dale
Greg Dale
Beth Kennedy
Ann Richards
Karen Braun
Linda Holdahl
Sasha Gabor
Burt Reynolds Look a Like
Kelli Garritt