Mala influencia
Female teacher closing the door
Culpa tuya
Beauty in Black
Mufasa: El rey león
Vientre de Alquiler
Blanca Nieves
Nuevamente amor
Deadpool & Wolverine
Keefe Brasselle
I. Robert Levy
Reparto (por orden de créditos)
George Spencer
Big Al
Patrick Wright
Guy Rescuing Tied Girl
Jane Kellem
Woman with Big Appetite
Garth Pillsbury
Emcee Hilton Banks
Herb Graham
Morris Goldberg
Richard Stuart
Man With Woman with Big Appetite
Alan Sinclair
Lew Horn
Game Show Emcee
Albert Lord
Priest at Hospital
Jackie McCall
Nurse Owens
Moe Baker
Lou Lastfinger
Deborah Klose
Angry Loudmouth
Barry Cooper
William Morris Agent
Russ Marin
Milk Bartender
Leon Charles
Bearded Seminar Moderator
Ina Gould
Old Lady
Mel Davis
Uschi Digard
Various Big-Boobed Characters
Pat McCormick
Pat McCormick - Awards Emcee
Thelma Pelish
Maria Arnold
Girl Tied to Tree
Kathy Arntzen
William Bartman
Sjon Carrol
Howard Cherry
Tallie Cochrane
Wife Stuck on Toilet
Sandy Dempsey
Clinic Girl Knowing Three Positions
Madelyn Dimaggio
Jim Driggers
Larry Eisenberg
Michael Flood
Nancy Frechtling
Douglas Frey
Anita Fried
Brenda Fogarty
Birthday Girl
Trish Guzey
Charla Hall
Michael Hall
Finale Dancer as Uncle Sam
Kathy Hilton
#39 with Omar
Phil Carey Jones
Tani Jones
Bebe Kelly
Lois Layne
Flanzy Lewis
Gary Leibman
Lowell Mabson
Marni Medina
Hal Miller
Mickey Nader
Marilyn Rose
Shirley Rosen
Arthur Ross
Robert Rushalk
Mike Scanlon
Becky Sharpe
Harry Sidonie
Gene Stowell
George von Ravensburg
Noah Warner
Rod Haase
Rick Davis
The Judges
Richard Stobie
Paul Frederik
Tom De Sena
Julie Conger
Claudine Ohm
Celeste Clinton
Jewell Williams
Jane Brandts
Finale Dancer
Christine De Musee
Mamie's Girl
Barbara Super
Cathy Hall
Waz Allen
Cristina Thurman
Phyllis Ginter
Sharon Auger
Joyce Faulkner
Debbie Leary
Marty Loughrie
Lucienne Mahoney
Mary Miller
Nannette Pistole
Darilyn Rowe