Chris Oxley
Reparto (por orden de créditos)
Lorne Lyles
Self - Husband of Ceecee Lyles
Deena Burnett
Self - wife of Tom Burnett
Phil Bradshaw
Self - husband of Sandy Bradshaw
Bert Rodriguez
Self - martial arts expert
Matt Hall
Self - boyfriend of Mark Bingham
Liz Glick
Self - wife of Jeremy GlickHerself
Patrick Welsh
Self - husband of Deborah Welsh
Alice Hoglan
Self - mother of Mark Bingham
Jack Grandcolas
Self - husband of Lauren Grandcolas
Lisa Jefferson
Self - supervisor, Verizon Airfone
Esther Heymann
Self - stepmother of Elizabeth Wainio
Richard Makely
Self - father of Lyz Glick
Noah Lee Margetts
Todd Beamer
Gil Kolirin
Mark Bingham
Betsy Pennington
Sandy Bradshaw
Anthony Edridge
Tom Burnett
Buck Herron
Jason Dahl
Jonathan Bourbon
Joe DeLuca
Mark McKerracher
Edward Felt
Adeel Akhtar
Saeed Al Ghamdi
Damien Puckler
Jeremy Glick
Francine Brody
Lauren Grandcolas
Wendy Mae Brown
Wanda Green
Laura Brook
Linda Gronlund
Louis Alsamari
Ahmed Al Haznawi
Fidel Nanton
LeRoy Homer
Michael Michael
Ziad Jarrah
Jia Frances
CeeCee Lyles
Abbas Kazerounian
Ahmed Al Nami
Lauren Kelleher
Elizabeth Wainio
Megg Nicol
Deborah Welsh