Reparto (por orden de créditos)
Roger Abbott
Self (Host - The Royal Canadian Air Farce)
Don Ferguson
Themselves (Hosts)
Luba Goy
Bluma Appell
Paul Bates
Self - Best Play
Dave Broadfoot
Aurora Browne
Luciano Casimiri
John Catucci
Self - Best Sketch Troupe
Martha Chaves
Paul Constable
Casey Corbin
Pretty Funny Newcomer Nominee
Gavin Crawford
Self - Best Actor (TV)
Alex Dallas
Kate Davis
Harry Doupe
Sam Easton
Derek Edwards
Marypat Farrell
Derek Flores
Doug Funk
Josh Glover
Self - Pretty Funny Sketch Troupe
Jennifer Goodhue
Kerry Griffin
Self - Best Improv Troupe
Marc Hickox
Sandy Jobin-Bevans
Tim Long
Gilson Lubin
Self - Best Newcomer
Jane Luk
Bob Martin
Lisa Merchant
Self - Best Female Improv
David Merry
The Minnesota Wrecking Crew
Themselves - Winners (Best Sketch Troupe)
Doug Morency
Self - Pretty Funny Male Improvisor
Mike 'Nug' Nahrgang
Rebecca Northan
Nikki Payne
Self - Best Female Stand-Up
Dave Pearce
Russell Peters
Tim Progosh
Jason Rouse
Anne Marie Scheffler
Polly Shannon
Steven Shehori
Self - Nominee, Best Comedic Play - 'Minotauk Falls'
David Shore
Ron Sparks
Winston Spear
Self - Best Male Stand-Up
Tara Spencer-Nairn
Carolyn Taylor
Kristeen Von Hagen
Tabetha Wells
Rick Wharton
Mike Wilmot