Paul Feig
Reparto (por orden de créditos)
Zach Woods
Tour Guide Garrett
Kristen Wiig
Erin Gilbert
Ed Begley Jr.
Ed Mulgrave
Charles Dance
Harold Filmore
John Milhiser
Higgins Student
Ben Harris
Melissa McCarthy
Abby Yates
Karan Soni
Kate McKinnon
Jillian Holtzmann
Bess Rous
Gertrude Aldridge Ghost
Steve Higgins
Leslie Jones
Patty Tolan
Neil Casey
Rowan North
Dave Allen
Electrocuted Ghost
Katie Dippold
Rental Agent
Chris Hemsworth
Nate Corddry
Graffiti Artist
Pat Kiernan
NY1 News Anchor #1
Bill Murray
Martin Heiss
Michael McDonald
Jonathan the Theater Manager
Adam Ray
Lead Singer
Eugene Cordero
Bass Guitarist
Ozzy Osbourne
Famous Rock Star
Jeanine Ramirez
Reporter Outside Theater
Jessica Chaffin
Jamie Denbo
Toby Huss
Officer Stevenson
Michael Kenneth Williams
Agent Hawkins
Matt Walsh
Agent Rorke
Andy Garcia
Mayor Bradley
Cecily Strong
Jennifer Lynch
Annie Potts
Desk Clerk
Cheryl Wills
NY1 News Anchor #2
Sam Richardson
Basement Cop
Steve Bannos
Flasher Ghost
Tom Yi
Flashed Man
Susan Park
Flashed Woman
Milana Vayntrub
Subway Rat Woman
Dan Aykroyd
Stephen Boss
Police Officer
Robin Shelby
Lady Slimervoice
Rosanna Scotto
Fox 5 News Anchor
Al Roker
Ernie Hudson
Uncle Bill
Sigourney Weaver
Rebecca Gorin
Barry Ace
Concert Goeruncredited
Jason Amherst
Sound Engineeruncredited
Kristen Annese
Ghost Prostituteuncredited
Stephanie Atkinson
Restaurant Patronuncredited
Michael Balzano III
Museum Pedestrianuncredited
Brian Baumgartner
Amanda Blattner
Aldridge Mansion Touristuncredited
Mark Burzenski
Private Traynoruncredited
Christopher Michael Cagle
Metal Headuncredited
Brian J. Cano
Rock Concert Audienceuncredited
Roy Y. Chan
Subway Rideruncredited
Chemi Che-Mponda
Al Conti
G-Man Ghostuncredited
Guy Cooper
Campus Security Guarduncredited
Josephine Cooper
Columbia Studentuncredited
Keenan Crosland
Christopher J. Davis
NYC Pedestrianuncredited
Tierre Diaz
National Guarduncredited
Bob Dio
Columbia University Professoruncredited
Michele Egerton
Raymond Esposito
Larry Eudene
Flower Manuncredited
Mark Falvo
Keith Fluker
Homeland Securityuncredited
Christopher Fung
Floyd Richardson
1920's Ghostuncredited
Robert Glenn
Jared M. Gordon
Columbia Facultyuncredited
Daisha Graf
Dancer - Cop Flash Mobuncredited
Elaine Victoria Grey
London Hall
Black Tie Patron at Restuarantuncredited
Mackenzie Hawe
Hannah Heckman-McKenna
SFC Sandberguncredited
Ross Higgins
Dinner Guestuncredited
Frankie Imbergamo
Hotel Patronuncredited
Justin Kirk
Phil Hudsonuncredited
Ren Knopf
Stephen Kyle
Gangster Ghostuncredited
Ally Looney
Michael M Luzzi
Stage Security Guarduncredited
Amber Michaelle Maher
Michael Marchand
Joe Massa
Jamie Mazareas
National Guardsmanuncredited
Mb X. McClain
Goth with Gogglesuncredited
Robert McEvilly
Sean McPherson
Jarrett Menard
Derek Mikula
Hotel Guestuncredited
Wayne R. Miller
police officeruncredited
Vanessa Morrison
Robert C. Moseley Jr.
Joel Murray
Security Guarduncredited
Ken Murray
Lisa Nguyen
Lesley Nicol
Mrs. Potteruncredited
Nick Norrman
David Sean O'Donnell
Joseph Oliveira
Aaron Oliveri
Nina Osegueda
Heavy metal audience memberuncredited
Richard Pacheco
Elizabeth Perkins
Phyllis Adleruncredited
Henry Phu
Dennis Pietrantonio
Security Guard #1uncredited
Diane Pimentel
Russell Potocki
Rickland Powell
Leah Procito
Marinko Radakovic
Homeland Security Policeuncredited
Noel Ramos
Pedestrian at Ecto1uncredited
Kyle Reardon
Steven Rears
Stew Replogle
News Crewuncredited
Gary Roscoe
Formal Wear Restaurant Patronuncredited
Lexie Roth
Guitar Technicianuncredited
Paul Rudoff
Harold Rudolph
Frank Sabbath
Audience Memberuncredited
John Santoro
NYPD Police Officeruncredited
Stephanie Ann Saunders
Woman in Subwayuncredited
Scott Sederquist
Nancy Ellen Shore
Rebekah Shreck
Ernie Slaughter
Jimmy R.O. Smith
Yefim Somin
Running Pedestrianuncredited
Chaunty Spillane
Show Girl Ghostuncredited
Michael Stanton
Homeland Security Agentuncredited
David Struffolino
Michael Steven Swanson
News Reporteruncredited
Lino Tanaka
Jillian Taylor
Carl 'CJ' Tempesta
Drew Tholke
Tour Guideuncredited
Jordan Tofalo
1950s Ghostuncredited
Lex Ulloa
Nicholas Varga
Adam Vera
Harvard Graduateuncredited
Mike Vezza
Nicolas Villamizar
Ian Vincent
Daniel Washington
Homeland Security Officeruncredited
Amy Whalen
Jamie Christopher White
Lisa Wynn
Anne Marie Young
Ron G. Young
Daniel Ramis
Metal Head
Jaime Pacheco
Fernando the Janitor
Davey Jones
Ely the Drummer
Ryan Levine
Rock Guitarist
Dan Teicher
Theodore Shapiro
Matteo Borghese
Lightboard Operator
Tony Viveiros
Greg Kelly
Johnny Higgins
Baba Booey Shouter
Phil 'Skippy' Adams
Scared NYC Pedestrianuncredited
Giovanni Alabiso
Subway Patronuncredited
Joe Alo
David O. Ang
Heavy Metal Fanuncredited
John Ardini
Reuben Baron
Katrina Bellini
Nicholas Bohling
Jim Boyd
Hotel Doormanuncredited
Thomas Brogan
1920's Cop Ghostuncredited
Lori Burch
NYC Residentuncredited
John J. Burke
Danielle Cassettari
Scared New Yorkeruncredited
Kadian Clarke
AA News Reporteruncredited
Skye Cohan
Chris Corkum
Ozzy Osbourne Merch Guyuncredited
D.W. Cormier
Stevie Costa
Alijah Ileana Dickenson
Chris Doigenstein
Metal headuncredited
Brian Dongelewic
Street Pedestrianuncredited
Steven Dougherty
Irina Egay
Charlie Flannery
Thomas Michael Flynn
Meyer Lansky Ghostuncredited
John Franchi
Rocco Frattasio
Tom Granger
Police Officeruncredited
Karl carlo Green
Security at Rock Showuncredited
Jed Griswold
Anita Harkess
Erin Katrina Hayes
Coffeeshop Patronuncredited
Benjamin Healy
Steven Howitt
Lucas Hunton
Charles Matumbi Jackson
Kevin J. James
Michael D. Joseph
Scared Touristuncredited
Leigh Ann Karetas
1970's Female Ghostuncredited
Bobby Kenney
Formal Dineruncredited
J Parker Kent
Jessica Kent
Museum Visitoruncredited
David Langill
Chris Librizzi
Max Liebetrau
City Boyuncredited
Sigrid Lium
Nick Lordi
Franco Luzzi
Eloise Lynton
Paige MacLean
Marcus Majors
Daniel Martignetti