Siân G. Lloyd
Reparto (por orden de créditos)
Victoria Coren Mitchell
Self - Presenter
David Stainer
Self - Crossworders
Stephen Pearson
Self - Chessmen
Henry Pertinez
Nick Mills
Ian Bayley
Mark Grant
Simon Spiro
Self - Orienteers
Paul Beecher
Graeme Cole
Self - Verbivores
Phyl Styles
Tom Cappleman
Lydia Mizon
Self - Escapologists
Aaron Bell
Self - Epicureans
Mick Lee
Self - Vikings
Rosa Wright
Self - Wrights
Liz Wright
Pete Wright
Dave Bill
Self - Gamblers
Katie Bramall-Stainer
David Brewis
David Lea
Self - Analysts
Andy Murray
Self - QI Elves
Anne Miller
James Harkin
Barbara Thompson
Self - Wayfarers
Gerard Mackay
Matt Beatson
Ian Wallace
Self - Beekeepers
Josh Spero
Mark Wallace
Amy Godel
Self - Cosmopolitans
Taissa Csáky
Self - Korfballers
Michael Jelley
Niall Sheekey
Emily Watnick
Annette Fenner
Alice Nettleship
Self - Suncatchers
Ben Warth
Charlotte Ashton
Michael Jack
Self - Bankers
David Churchill
Rosemary Redhead
Gareth Kingston
Self - History Boys
Craig Element
Rob Hannah
Thomas Cochrane
Self - Mathematicians
James O'Driscoll
Ruth Carling
Sarah Higgins
Self - Strategists
Michael Dnes
Chris Cummins
Jenny Ryan
Thomas Scott
Self - Hitchhikers
Alan Gibbs
Fiona Constantine
Chris White
Will Howells
Self - Antiquarians
Debbie Challis
Simon Belcher
William De Ath
Paul Steeples
Holly Pattenden
Self - Scribes
Dom Tait
Gareth Price
Stewart McCartney
Self - Festival Fans
Ed Dovey
Marianne Fairthorne
Tim Spain
Self - Bakers
Hywel Carver
Self - Board Gamers
Matt Rowbotham
Michael Wallace
Peter Steggle
Jamie Karran
Sean Blanchflower
Hamish Galloway
Self - Relatives
Davina Galloway
Nick Latham
Tessa North
Self - String Section
Richard Heald
Self - Cluesmiths
Pete Sorel-Cameron
Mick Hodgkin
John Tozer
Richard Aubrey
Nick Reed
Self - Psmiths
Nick Holland
Chris James
Self - Surrealists
Michael Slowey
Self - Oscar Men
Mark Smith
Jeremy Partington
Jonathan Carter
Howard Freedman
Adrian Knott
Gail Trimble
Self - Meeples
Hugh Trimble
Tom West
Rebecca Shaw
Self - Time Ladies
Jamie McNeill
Self - Mercians
Jack Karimi
Self - Thrifters
Claire Barrow
Self - Also Rans
Dan Afshar
Sam Haywood
Ian Fennell
Will Chadwick
Pam Douglas
Harry Heath
Stuart Maconie
Christina Giles
Self - Science Writers
Peter Wrobel
Arran Frood
Jack Waley-Cohen
Self - Lapsed Psychologists
Richard McDougall
Matthew Stevens
Mark Labbett
Self - Rugby Boys
Richard Parnell
Gary Dermody
Paul Peters
Self - Archers Admirers
Andrew Bull
Min Lacey
Mark Kerr
Self - Alesmen
Chris Quinn
Gary Grant
Self - Radio Addicts
Dave Clark
Graham Barker
Neil Phillips
Nick Atty
Self - Trade Unionists
Simon Jelley
Self - Technologists
Bruce Lin
James Hastie
Andrew Lyman
Self - Listeners
John Loveluck
Dave Tilley
Jane Teather
Colin Whorlow
Nancy Dickmann
Self - Cinephiles
Michael McPartland
Self - Footballers
Brian Pendreigh
Self - Wordsmiths
Jamie Turner
Steve Dodding
Self - Draughtsmen
Barry Humphrey
Iwan Thomas
Chris Brewis
Dave Taylor
Andy Tucker
Michael Reeve
Self - Globetrotters
Chris Clough
Suda Perera
Josh Mandel
Self - Cartophiles
Colin Kidd
Huw Pritchard
Self - Celts
Mark Walton
Self - Francophiles
Sam Goodyear
Mark Cooper
Beverley Downes
Ian Clark
David Pritchard
James Keeling
Self - Nørdiphiles
Joanna Murray
Will Day
John Dorney
Self - Gallifreyans
Kip Heath
Self - Heath Family
Ian Hughson
Self - Oxonians
Giles Sparrow
Justin Floyd
John Jenkins
Stuart Wildig
Frederic Heath-Renn
Self - Gamesmasters
Filip Drnovsek Zorko
Virginia Fassnidge
Self - Linguists
Tom Fassnidge
Gail La Carbonara
James Robson
Anne Harrison
Self - Software Engineers
Douglas Thomson
Self - Europhiles
Khuram Rashid
Chris Howlett
Mark Seager
Stephen Mcintosh
Alasdair Middleton
Self - Yorkers
Joe Crowther
Jack Johannes Alexander
Clare Lynch
Self - Operational Researchers
Tristram Cole
Self - Bookworms
Alex Hill
Katy Bateman
Paul Allen
Dave Knapp
Jonathan Elliott
Self - Fire Eaters
Tony Moore
Andy Davis
Oscar Powell
Self - Dandies
Lewis Barn
Jack Bennett
Dorjana Sirola
Self - Junipers
Bridget Prentice
Self - Jugadores
Matilda Makemson
Self - Isotopes
Angus Eady
Sanjay Bloor
Lewis Jones
Self - Video Nasties
Nina Fetherston
Rachel Jung
Self - Stitchers
Elizabeth Down
Thea Ralph
Jack Lewis
Richard Coles
Chris Beer
Self - Mixologists
David Smith
Self - Railwaymen
Bob Thompson
Sam Swift
Sree Kanthamneni
Ewan MacAulay
Richard Wheatley
Self - Birkbeck Alumni
Ken Brown
Catherine Arbuthnott
Craig Carruthers
Self - Knitters
Tom Willis
Esther Knight
Mike Heaney
Self - Oxford Librarians
Craig Finlay
Laura Cracknell
Joshua Karton
Self - Cambridge Quiz Society
David Edwards
Self - Edward Family
Richard Edwards
Charlotte Martyn
Jenny Harris
Self - Part-Time Poets
Simon Singh
Henry Fisher
Self - Inorganic Chemist
Saul Moorhouse
Charles Markland
Wendy Toole
Self - Editors
Rod Cuff
Ali Turnbull
Howard Kelly
Tim Catlin
Emma Laslett
Self - Lasletts
Kester Jarvis
Self - Science Editors
Chris Laslett
Craig Almond
Self - Fell Walkers
Jake Laslett
Scott Dawson
Self - Oenophiles
Jim Taylor
Didier Bruyère
Shreeya Nanda
Andrew Cosgrove
Jim Crozier
Self - Cat Lovers
Jean Upton
Mike Amberry
Jamie Dodding
Roger Johnson
Zoe Cunningham
Self - Coders
Richard Bradley
Simon Turmaine
Self - Felinophiles
Mike Hart
Self - Bibliophiles
Vince Milner
David Simons
Helen Lippell
Simon Koppel
Richard Clay
Rachael Neiman
Self - Record Collectors
Margaret Gabica
Self - Welsh Learners
Alan Heath
Stuart Hern
Adam Barr
Chris Hern
Heather Heath
Richard Gilbert
Innis Carson
Self - Scientists
Amber Marshall
Self - Athenians
Robin Whelan
Self - Builders
Lorraine Murtagh
Jon Stitcher
Paul Philpot
Self - Spaghetti Westerners
Andrew Frazer
Neil Macaskill
Ian Volante
Ian Orriss
Max Espensen
Ben Holmes
Robert Colvile
Self - Policy Wonks
Sean McManus
Self - Channel Islanders
Tabitha Osborne
Caroline McManus
Elysia Warner
Self - Clareites
Sarah Binney
Olivier Grouille
Andy Crane
Self - Genealogists
Traci Whitehead
Derek Caudwell
Dean Reilly
Self - Taverners
Mickey Alexander
Simon Gibbons
Ann Gavaghan
Self - Harlequins
Michael Joel Bartelle
John Robinson
Kevin Foley
Leigh Caldwell
Ian Thoms
Self - Cunning Planners
Andrew Lay
Self - Antiphons
Mark Solomons
Self - Solomons Family
Stanley Thomas
Self - Gunners
Aidan Bartlett
Self - Roadies
Felicity Barnard
Sophia Shaikh
Naomi Solomons
Harry Solomons
Michael Tigchelaar
Anna Gardner
Self - Gardners
Kate Gardner
Chris Fletcher
Louise Gardner
Eleanor Younge
James Barnard
Michael Bywater
Self - Larks
Rosie Boycott
Self - Fowls
David Baddiel
Self - Music Monkeys
Daniel Nazarian
Self - Collectors
Alice Arnold
Self - Scrabblers
Elliot Costi
Adam Hart-Davis
Self - Treesome
Clare Balding
Self - Terriers
Hugh Dennis
Self - BBC
Anna Kirby-Hall
Charlie Higson
Self - Goldfingers
Steve Jones
Self - Curiosities
Andrew Motion
Patrick Marber
Self - Noggins
Grub Smith
Dan Hayes
Self - Travel Writers
Anna Melville-James
Simon Heptinstall
Melanie Beaumont
Self - Edinburgh Scrabblers
Gareth Aubrey
Self - County Councillors
Nigel Lewis
Self - Country Walkers
Morag Traynor
Self - IT Support
Alan Sinclair
Simon Gillam
Steve Lamb
Gwilyn Owen
Robin Baker
Dave Roberts
John Dixon
David Harper
Liz Scott-Wilson
Self - Taxonomists
Carol Scott
Judi Vernau
Mark Hanna
Self - Courtiers
Paul Mitchell
Richard Ronaldson
Guy Painton
Self - Choir Boys
Peter Lawson
Anthony Pritchard
Sam Charman
Self - Exeter Alumni
William Higham
Self - Brit Poppers
Chris Rubery
Self - Bloggers
Ruth Deller
Ben Howarth
Joseph Raimondo
Self - Neuroscientists
Chris Tudor
Self - Brasenose Postgrads
Amy Koenig
Christopher Lustri
Michelle O'Callaghan
Self - Bowlers
Nick Smith
Self - Bridge Players
Stuart Lightfoot
Jason Stevens
Self - In-Laws
David Bowers
Jonathan Webb
Tim Dickinson
Chris Roberts
Andy Ross
Ian Pithouse
Chris Cooper
Jon Heal
Steve Perkins
Blake Richards
Penny Heal
Nick Hornby
Self - Cutters
Ian Hislop
Self - Backhanders
David Bodycombe
Chris Harrison
Self - Rowers
Sean Carey
Self - Social Networkers
Jason Gray
Beth Webster
Roger Pratley
Dominic Guinness
Emma-Louisa Mutter
Self - TEFL Teachers
Saul Jones
Andrew Steen
Self - Wintonians
Dorian Lidell
Self - Numerists
James Wilson
Hannah Twitchell
Chris Sowton
David Norcott
Paul Baker
Robin Seavill
Self - Press Gang
Mike Crowe
Self - General Practitioners
Emily Phillips
Seb Page
Self - Corpuscles
Paul Judge
Self - Pilots
Simon Morgan
Paul Taylor
Jo Durrant
Neil Morgan
Sam Kay
Richard Colfer
Chris David
Daniel Tuite
Self - Romantics
Owen Rees
Ross Goodwin
Self - Politicos
Daniel Norcross
Self - Nightwatchmen
Phil Nelson
Thomas Williams
Robert Winder
Joe Kerrigan
Tim Westcott
Self - Exhibitionists
Daniel Fullard
Self - Erstwhile Athletes
Jonathan Wilson
Eric Kilby
Edward Green
Self - Wandering Minstrels
Vyvyan Almond
Fergus Butler-Gallie
Chris Curtis
Keith Andrew
Brendan Curtis
Lyndsay Coo
Self - Polyglots
Duncan Enright
Self - Headliners
Vicki Sunter
Chris Pendleton
Self - Road Trippers
Ned Pendleton
Nick Patterson
Paddy Baker
Dave Robinson
Dan Shane
Isabelle Heward
Self - Scunthorpe Scholars
Paddy Stronach
Michael Wilson
Paddy Duffy
Self - Eurovisionaries
Aaron Boardley
Ciara Kennedy
Helen Thomas
Jasmine Leonard
Self - Shutterbugs
Raymond Baggaley
Self - Maltsters
Charlie Cook
Self - Bardophiles
Jenny Skene
Hugh Brady
Self - Tubers
Pete Mitchell
Sue Barnard
Robert McIlveen
Steve Hoar
Self - Wrestlers
Harriet Courtney
Self - Networkers
Colin Daffern
Frank Little
Katie McGettigan
David Collinson
Dan Jones
Jack Welsby
Tim Hepworth
Adam Ardron
Tom Mead
Nina Grant
David Prevezer
Mik Levin
George Corfield
Self - Dicers
Emma Kennedy
Self - Walruses
Mitch Benn
Joshua Mutio
Self - Strigiformes
Paul Singh
Self - Peacocks
Jonathan Williams
Reece Jackson-Jones
Self - Road Runners
Jonathan Taylor
Hugh Williams
Matt Loy
Self - Statisticals
Alan Peters
Nic Paul
Lizzie Biscuits
Emma Browne
Harry Prance
Karyn Cooke
John Warren
Helen Jewell
Self - Cribbagers
Chris Jackson
Self - Academicals
Yvonne Corbishley
Sunth Siva
Self - Volunteers
John Clarke
Self - Drop of Red
Liz Jaggs
Jane Kendrick
Stephen Othen
Sarah Holey
Jezz Sterling
Tom Kelly
Rebecca Brown
Clive Anderson
Self - The Balding Team
Kevin Eldon
Reeta Chakrabarti
Self - Water Babies
The Swingles
Themselves - Guest Musicians
Eric Dilks
Organ Grinder
Frankie Fanko
Self - Contestant
Bob Wolstenholme
Evan Dawson
Self - Musician
Samuel West
Self - Snapchatter
Clarke Carlisle
Susan Greenfield
Self - Neuromantics
Sophie Grigson
Clemency Burton-Hill
Katie Derham
Self - Tillers
John Cooper Clarke
Self - Royal III
Jascha Elliott
Andrew Fanko
Nico Sabatini
Alexander Armstrong
Self - Radio Host
Daisy Goodwin
Charlie Brooker
Self - Scribblers
Tom Holland
Katie McCorkindale
Andrew Beasley
Rufus Hound
John Finnemore
Joshua Levine
Bonnie Greer
Self - Chess Pieces
Philippa Gregory
Laura Lawson
Brian Sewell
Richard Osman
David Mitchell
Self - Muppets
Konnie Huq
Val McDermid
Kate Mosse
Philip Hensher
Lynne Truss
Katie Steckles
Alex Thomas
Matthew Parris
Bill Turnbull
Simon Jenkins
Robert Peston
Ed Smith
Steve Pemberton
A.N. Wilson
Julian Lloyd Webber
Ali Lloyd
Alexander Olive
Mike Beech
Self - Urban Cyclists
Quentin Holt
Self - Bookkeepers
Mick Lancaster
Self - Cricket Supporters
Penny Downer
Self - Solent Scrabblers
Andrew Hobley
Self - Ombudsmen
Brian Haines
Martin Gilson
Ann Kelly
Keith Nevols
Ray Eaton
Noel Turner
Ray Ward
Dave Morrison
Elisabeth Jardine
Stuart Solomons
Bob Bunting
Howard Pizzey
William Barrett
Angela Town
Self - Charity Puzzlers
Mike Smith
Daphne Ripley
Paul Cornell
Self - Fantasy Writers
Tom Paternoster
Self - Gourmands
Cosmo Grant
Self - Philosophers
Seen Nicholson
Self - Rugby Fans
Alan Morgan
Self - Polymaths
Lisa Grant
Self - Geocachers
Sarah Bain
Nicola Morgan
Steve Kidd
Self - Music Lovers
Michael Howes
Self - Pool Sharks
Andy Kelly
Geoff White
Diane Hallagan
John Paines
Self - Mensans
Tim Jordan
Nigel Austen
Chris Miller
Self - Insurers
Paul Vickers
Self - Mountain Men
Andrew Smithies
Edward Page
Self - Urban Walkers
Liz Williams
Peter Davies
David Kohn
Self - Booksellers
Andy Cobley
Andy Bain
Paul Murphy
Peter Berry
Geoff Ryman
Alasdair Dawney
Don Purdy
Edmund Kirby
Neil Best
Ben Walpole
Stephen Gore
Dave Dunford
Jim Nugent
John Anderson
Greg Eden
Martyn Smith
John Sessions
Self - Free Speakers
Joan Bakewell
Self - Great Believers
John Lloyd
John Larkin
Self - Vegetarians
Cathryn Lloyd
James Bedworth
Self - Fantasy Football Managers
Lesley-Anne Brewis
Self - Joggers
Hugh Bennett
Self - Steel City Singers
David Paul
Self - Rock 'n' Rollers
Jonathan Shaw
Self - Fantasy Footballers
Andy Bolton
Charlie Lythgoe
Jo Moore
Dave Lloyd
Tom Thirkell
Josh Scott
Self - University Challengers
David McGaughey
Heidi Shaw
Paul Johnston
Alex Guttenplan
Ronald Stewart
Joanne Edwards
Kirsty Johnston
Mark Gatiss
Samira Ahmed
Allison Pearson
Antony Edwards
Self - Ciphers
Seán Gleeson
Self - Joinees
Gavin Fuller
Self - Masterminders
Lynne Ashcroft
Self - IT Specialists
Andrea Lowe
Self - Quitters
Rachel Pagan
Dave James
Neil Zussman
Bob Hughes
Self - Trenchermen
Stephen Allen
Rachel Burns
Sophie Fitzsimmons
Self - Second Violinists
Sally Wilson
Gareth Williams
Drew Firth
Self - Accountants
Michelle La Roche
Self - Educators
James Hall
Matt Finch
Thomas Gough
Itzhak Matthai
James Kemp
Jay La Roche
Steve Donnelly
Nathan Hamer
Rosie Howarth
Agnes Henson
Christopher Hughes
Self - Eggheads
Barry Simmons
Pat Gibson
Emma Reeves
Self - Cousins
Glesni Roberts
John Aldersey-Williams
Self - Highgates
Mark Chivers
David Whitley
Stephen Bowden
Nerys Richards
Oliver Lewis
Michael Cannon
Tom Bannatyne
Andrew Taylor
Self - contestant
Dan Sproat-Clements
Self - Beaks
Aidan Sproat-Clements
Kyle Lam
Self - Medics
Rob Cromarty
Ivan Brett
Self - Choristers
Marianne Johnson
Thomas Halliday
Lauren Hamer
Self - Birdwatchers
David Southworth
Self - Apres Skiers
Chris Grandison
Jessica Southworth
Keli Richards
Selina Conroy
Mark Casarotto
Self - Jillies
Hugh Binnie
Jonathan Cairns
Self - Data Wizards
Jonathan Paxton
Self - Irregulars
Sara Benwell
Tim Brown
Emma Croot
Self - Croot Family
Liam Agate
Self - Seagulls
Liam Croot
Claire Turner
Phoebe Watts
Molly O'Gorman
Self - Cryptics
Katrina Austin
Self - Mothers Ruined
Nash Zvobgo
Padraig Sheehy
Rob Croot
Jeremy Woods
Self - Polyhymnians
Noami Lask
Andrew Gyford
Self - Morporkians
Sarah Besly-Quick
Alex Hardwick
Self - Crustaceans
Elia Cugini
Veronica Smith
James Fraser
Molly Kirkham
Self - Scrummagers
William Bradley
Liz Kirkham
Jo Barker
Joey Goldman
Simon Dennis
Kat Brown
Cathryn Peppard
Victoria Woods
Zac Tyler
Jade Harvey
Jonathan Kershaw
Self - Activists
Despina Violari
Self - Dancer
Vincent Simone
Khalil Campbell
Self - Politicians
David Todd
Self Contestant
Pippa Woolley
Self - Contestant Team Captain
Furo Cookey
Erica Hiorns
Tom McKechnie
Mel Gibbons
Lee Knowles
Self - Hopsters
Theo Howe
Self - Sprouters
Gareth Cottiss
Ashwini Kamath
Charlie Bowen
Oliver Sweetenham
Danielle Cope
Dominic Rayner
Andrew Mearman