Tim McCanlies
Reparto (por orden de créditos)
Devin Ratray
Horizontal Bob
Tyler Francavilla
Vertical Bob
Mika Boorem
Skull Muncher
Leonardo Nam
The Dark Prince
Cody Kasch
Tamara Jolaine
Jane Ann
Evelyn Hurley
Jane Ellen
Jay Chandrasekhar
Spam King
Mitchell Lance Adams
Security Guard
Chae Balistreri
Computer Nerd
Justin Beaudry
Drunken Frat Boy
Ro' Black
Porkapalooza Festival Attendee
David Blackwell
Mafia Leader
Jennifer Blair
Punk-Girl Geek
Glen Boatright
Deanna Brochin
Boots-N-Boobs Dancer
Cheryl Chin
Samantha Clark
Porkapalooza Festival Vendor
Tiasha Colton
Patio Girl #1
Michael D. Conway
T.V. Lawyer
Franky Coronado
Porkapalooza attendee
Archie Fields
Carnival patron
David Gahagan
Assist. Fire Chief
Paul Gandersman
GotheM Gamer
Kevin Gieselhart
Liz Moise Gonzalez
V Bob's Mom
Regina Gordon
Porkapalooza Attendee
Matthew Grayson
Sausage Wrangler
Ben Hamby
Porkapalooza Pork Sculptor
Eva Hamilton
Hot Waitress
Doran Ingrham
Man with canes
Zach Irsik
Festival Kid
Johnna Jackson
Dancer #2
Gary Jerome
Sculpting Referee
Tim Jo
Moustached Gamer
Yahel Johnson
Michael Kanarski
Horizontal Brother 1
Gregory Kelly
Big Ugly Redneck
Wynkoop Kiersted
Horizontal Brother 2
Christina Lehner
12-Year-Old Girl
Marcus Lorenzo
Pierced Punk #1
Rip Lowe
Pokapaloza Festival Atendee
Adam Madrigal
Hallie Martin
Mamie Meek
Horizontal Bob's Mom
Josh Meyer
Nebbish Computer Guy
Josh Painting
Big Father
Amy Quick Parrish
Mark Parrish
Robert D. Parrish
Child at Porkapalooza Festival
Zane Travis Pickett
Bacon Boy
Wil Pollard
Maya Quin
Verlyn Ratzlaff
Horizontal Bob's Dad
Sue Rock
Aging Hooker
Nate Rubin
Young Cop
Jocelyn Schutte
Gotham Gamer
Chris Scott
Henry J. Smith III
Porkapalooza Contestant
Jordan Strassner
Boots 'N Boobs Employee
Gary Teague
Jamel Thomas
Drew Waters
Bill Wise
Ricky Borrego
Gaming Employee (uncredited)
Pablo Flores
Strip Club Drunk (uncredited)
Samantha Inoue Harte
Animator (uncredited)
J.E. Meris
Asian Cowboy (uncredited)
Carlos Pina
Bar Drunk (uncredited)