Judith Ehrlich
Rick Goldsmith
Reparto (por orden de créditos)
Peter Arnett
Self - Associated Press Correspondent (archiveFootage)
Ben Bagdikian
Self - Editor, Washington Post
Ann Beeson
Self - Associate Legal Director, ACLU
John Dean
Self - White House Counsel to President Nixon
Daniel Ellsberg
Patricia Ellsberg
Robert Ellsberg
Self - Daniel's Son
Richard Falk
Self - Professor of International Law
Max Frankel
Self - Washington Bureau Chief, New York Times
J. William Fulbright
Self - Chair Foreign Relations Committee (archiveFootage)
James Goodale
Self - General Counsel, New York Times
Mike Gravel
Self - Senator (D-Alaska)
Morton Halperin
Self - Supervisor, Vietnam War Study
Lyndon B. Johnson
Self - President (archiveFootage)
Randy Kehler
Self - Draft Resister
Bud Krogh
Self - Director, 'Plumbers' Unit - Nixon White House
Pete McCloskey
Self - Representative, California
Robert McNamara
Self (archiveFootage)
Wayne Morse
Self - Senator, Oregon (archiveFootage)
Richard Nixon
Thomas Oliphant
Self - Reporter, Boston Globe
Dan Rather
Self - Reporter (archiveFootage)
Tony Russo
Self - RAND Analyst
Thomas Schelling
Hedrick Smith
Self - Reporter, New York Times
Janaki Tschannerl
Self - Peace Activist
Leonard Weinglass
Self - Russo Defense Attorney
Howard Zinn
Self - Historian