David Seffer
Reparto (por orden de créditos)
Hannes Jaenicke
Karla Zapf
US Sanitary Commission
René Wagner
Ralf Rosinski
3rd Michigan Vol. Rgt.
Thomas Wortmann
7th Maine Rgt. Inf. Vol.
Werner Stocker
Uwe Wettig
29th Independent Battery US N.Y. Vol.
Francois Le Carat
Brig. General of the 5th US Cav.
Olaf Fifelski
CS Sharpshooters Vol.
Ray Halbritter
Hartmut Küster
Lt. of the 62nd New York Volunteers Rgt. 'Anderson Zouaves'
Philipp Lades
Niccoló Ferrari
1st Lt. of the 14th Louisiana Inf. Rgt.
Christian Ortschig
Lt. of the 79th New York State Miliz
Martin seonbuchner
Michel Henning
Sgt. Maj. of the 5th Cav. Rgt.
Karl-Heinz Speicher
14th YSM 'Red Devils' Brooklyn
Martina Elliot
Sgt. Maj. CS Staff of the 1st Marylanders Inf. Rgt.
Matthias Hohmann
Santee Light Artillery
Gernot Duda
1th North Carolina Cav. Rgt.
Ben McCoy
Falke Henning
8th Virginia Inf. Vol.
Jörg Uebelmann
Comd. Major of the 17th Missouri Inf. Rgt. Bataillion
Albrecht Wittkowske
2nd Florida Inf. Rgt.
Brigitte M. Heybey
Claudia kraus
Lutz Hartkopf
Garden's Palmetto Light Artillery
Karl Friedrich Kraut
Thomas Tesar
26th Wisconsin Inf. Rgt.
Dusty Eisenburg
Maj. of the 7th Georgia Cav. Rgt.
Frank Burghardt
Lt. of the 5th WA of New Orleans Artillery
Ludwig Haslach
1st US Artillery Rgt.
Ludwig Kaiserauer
Cpt. Staff of General McCoy
Walter Gebhardt
Günter Schmitt
Batt. Comd. Maj. of the Staunten Artillery
Thomas Funk
7th CS Virginia Cav.
Hubert Jehle
Cpt. of the US Batt. Staff
Christian Letz
Cpt. of the 8th North Carolina Inf. Rgt.
Brad Kingsley
Chief of Ordnance
Werner Post
Comd. Col. of the CS Bataillion
André Gangel-Ganesch
4th Texas Inf. Rgt.
Wolfgang Nasztl
2nd South Carolina Rgt.
Maik heyse
Richmond Howitzers
Uwe Pux
41th New York Inf. Rgt.
Stefan Vieregg
4th Tennessee Inf. Rgt.
Hans Jurgen Eisenhauer
CS Cav. 3rd Platoon
Horst Katenbring
1th South Carolina Inf. Rgt.
Reiner Wolf
18th Missouri Inf. Rgt.
Christian Völkl
1st Cherokee Mounted Rifles Inf.
Rolf Müller
Drummer US Sharpshooters
Anton Reindl
Adjutant of General McCoy